Page 57 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 57

passengers and getting them to the   the week to say Selichot at the time   with tears in their eyes. At 6:30am, they
      plane safely.                    known as Et Ratzon. Nine cars arrived as   landed in the Yavniel Valley, next to
                                       planned, with the tenth being delayed   Teveriya, far from the eyes of the Brit-
      On the 7th of Ellul, the eve of the oper-  by a herd of camels crossing the road.   ish. The Palmach created an artificial
      ation, the pilots approached Hillel   Fortunately, the delay wasn’t long and   runway, lighting bonfires to mark the
      demanding their payment. Hillel   all 50 passengers made it to the airport,   plane’s landing area. The 50 olim were
      assured them they would be paid upon   where they were smuggled through a   taken on trucks to nearby kibbutzim.
      arrival in Palestine, but the Vessenbergs   hole in the airport fence next to the
      were not satisfied. Hillel offered them a                          The aerial operation, the first of its
      personal check. The pilots accepted, not   last turn on the tarmac before take-  kind during the British Mandate, was
                                       off. It was 3:30 am. The plane’s lights
      knowing that Hillel, a kibbutznik, didn’t                          named “Operation Michaelberg” after
      have a personal bank account.    and engines went on, and in the noisy   the pilots Mike and Leo Vessenberg. The
                                       tumult, the young Jews climbed on
      Early on Shabbat morning, Parashat   board. A few minutes later, the plane   pilots later flew two more rescue oper-
                                                                         ations, a second rescue flight from Iraq
      Shoftim, the 50 Jews woke up before   was in the air, and the new olim cheered   and one from Italy, and the plane was
      dawn, and 10 cars quietly traveled   their fearless leader, Shlomo Hillel. As   later used in the War of Independence.
      to the airport in Baghdad. It was the   they approached Israel, they broke into   Shlomo Hillel, the organizer of the mis-
      month of Ellul, and they were accus-  song. Flying over the Kinneret, they   sion, would later become Israel’s Chief
      tomed to waking up at that hour during   sang songs by Rachel HaMeshoreret   1
                                                                         of Police and ultimately the Speaker
                                                                         of the Knesset. He passed away earlier
                                                                         this year.
                                                                         In the month of Ellul, in the hours of
                                                                         Selichot, 50 Iraqi Jews were brought
                                                                         from “the rivers of Babylon” to kibbut-
                                                                         zim in northern Israel to celebrate Rosh
                                                                         Hashanah, a new year and a new life
                                                                         in Israel.
                                                                         They fulfilled the words of the piyut
                                                                         “Achot Ketana” (a pizmon sung in Sep-
                                                                         hardic communities before the com-
                                                                         mencement of the Rosh Hashanah
                                                                         evening prayer):
                                                                         .ר ַמ ָ ׁש ֹותי ִר ְּ ב ּולי ִחֹוה רּוצ ְל ר ַמ ָּג ד ׁש י ִּ כ ּולי ִג ְו ּוק ְז ִח
                                                                         “Be strong and rejoice for the plunder
                                                                         is ended; place hope in the Rock and
      Operation Michaelberg delivering Iraqi Jews to Palestine in August 1947.  keep His covenant.”
                                                                             . ָהי ֶתֹו ּ ל ִס ְמ ּו ּ לס ּו ּ לס ר ַמ ָא ְו ןֹוּי ִצ ְל ּול ֲע ַת ְו ם ֶכ ָל
                                                                         “You will ascend to Zion and He will
                                                                         say: Pave! Pave her paths.”
                                                                         May the new year bring blessings, joy,
                                                                         and many more Jews to Eretz Yisrael!

                                                                         1   Rachel Bluwstein Sela (1890–1931), a cele-
                                                                         brated Hebrew-language poet known as Rachel
                                                                         HaMeshoreret (Rachel the Poetess). Many of her
                                                                         poems were set to music and became classic
                                                                         Israeli songs.

                                                                         Elli Shashua is an Israeli tour guide with a   A member of the
                                                                         passion for sharing his country with others.   Mizrachi Tour
                                                                         He was born and raised in Tel Aviv in a home   Guides Bureau
                                                                         imbued with a deep love of the Land of Israel
      Iraqi Jews boarding trucks to travel to kibbutzim upon their arrival on Operation Michaelberg.   and its people.  tour-guides

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