Page 58 - HaMizrachi #32 RH-YK 2021 USA
P. 58


                            A New Dish

                                      for the
                           New Year

                                  Susie Fishbein

                          ew foods go further back in our   The honey described
                          history than silan – date honey.   in the verse, “The Land
                          Silan, a current belle of the culi-  of milk and honey,” is not the golden
                   Fnary world ball, is a staple of   bee honey; it is this date honey. The
                   Iraqi, Persian and other Middle Eastern   charoset  from Talmudic times was
                   cuisines. It is the honey made from   dates boiled into this syrup.
                   boiling down dates.
                                                    When the Dead Sea scrolls were uncov-
                   According to Gil Marks, noted food   ered at Qumran in 1947, a 2,000-year-
                   historian, date seeds from the 3rd mil-  old date-honey press was found. Silan
                   lennia BCE were found in the Royal
                   Cemetery at Ur Kasdim, making it an   was a beneficial ingredient in times
                   almost certain part of Avraham Avinu’s   before refrigeration as it could be
                   diet.                            stored for much longer than its mother
                                                    fruit and the syrup was easily portable.
                   Dates are amongst the Sheva Minim
                   – seven species of Israel – and the   It is a natural sweetener whose cara-
                   frond of the date palm tree is one of   mel notes add a fantastic depth and
                   the Arba’a Minim – four species of the   sweetness to recipes for today’s cooks,
                   Sukkot rituals.                  as in the recipe below.

                   Roasted                           Silan Techina                    Prepare the silan techina: In the bowl of a
                                                                                      food processor fitted with the metal “S”
                                                     1 cup raw tahini (sesame paste)  blade, purée the tahini, lemon juice, garlic,
                   Eggplant                          ⅓ cup fresh lemon juice          salt, pepper, ½ cup warm water, and silan.
     Reproduced from   with Silan Techina            4 cloves fresh garlic, minced    You may need a bit more warm water to
      Kosher By Design                                                                thin to desired consistency. Set aside.
     Brings It Home by                               pinch kosher salt
    Susie Fishbein, with                                                              Prepare the roasted eggplant: Preheat the
   permission from the                               ¼ teaspoon ground white pepper   oven to 400°F (205°C). Cut the eggplants in
     copyright holders   Yields 6 servings           ½ cup warm water, plus more as needed  half lengthwise, cutting straight through
     ArtScroll/Mesorah                                                                the green stalk. Using a small sharp knife,
        Publications,   Eggplant, in some form or another, can be   ¼ cup silan (date syrup)  make 3–4 “X” marks to score the eggplant
      Ltd. Photograph   found on every restaurant menu in Israel.
        by John Uher.                                                                 flesh without cutting through to the skin.
                   Halved roasted eggplant is the ambassa-  Roasted Eggplant
                          dor of these appetizers. Gorgeous,   3 large, long eggplants  Place the eggplant halves, cut-side up,
                          simple, and healthy, it is the perfect                      on a baking sheet lined with parchment
                                                                                      paper. Brush them heavily with olive oil.
                          starter with its smoky aroma and   ⅓ cup olive oil          Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Roast for
                          smooth-cooked center. Roasting   salt                       35–40 minutes; the flesh should be soft,
                          the eggplants on the open flame   pepper                    flavorful, and nicely browned. Remove from
                          adds so much flavor but can be                              the oven; allow to cool.
                          a bit messy; make sure to cover   pomegranate seeds, for garnish  Transfer the roasted eggplant to a platter
                          the grates with foil to catch the   radishes, sliced paper-thin on a mandolin,   or plate for serving. Drizzle on the silan
                          charred skin — or follow this recipe   for garnish          techina; garnish with pomegranate seeds,
                          for an oven-baked version.  scallions, thinly sliced, for garnish  radish slices, and scallions.

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