Page 34 - HaMizrachi Sukkot 5783 USA
P. 34


     VIEWS                                 Rabbi Marcus                          Emma

                                           Solomon                               Katz

                                                very year, on the night of Simchat   t was the fourth set of hakafot in a small
                                                Torah, a good-natured and light-hearted   upstairs classroom in the Gruss Kollel in
                                                scuffle breaks out in shul between the   Jerusalem. There, holding my four-month-old
                                                mainstream adherents of the Ashkenazi   baby boy, I connected to Eitan Katz’s Baruch
                                          Eprotocol and those sympathetic to the   IHu in a new way.
     We asked five                         custom of Chabad Chassidim.           וּנ ָלי ִדּ ְב ִה ְו ,וֹדוֹב ְכ ִל וּנ ָא ָר ְבּ ֶשׁ וּני ֵקלֹ- ֱא אוּה ךְוּר ָבּ
                                                                                 ם ָלוֹע י ֵיּ ַח ְו ,ת ֶמ ֱא ת ַרוֹתּ וּנ ָל ן ַת ָנ ְו ,םי ִעוֹתּ ַה ן ִמ
                                              The Ashkenazi custom is to conduct a public
                                                                                                          .וּנ ֵכוֹת ְבּ ע ַט ָנ
     accomplished                          kri’at haTorah from the beginning of V’zot HaBer-  “Blessed is He, our G-d, Who created us
                                           achah, complete with aliyot. Chassidut, however,
                                           contrasts our connection with the Torah on Sim-  for His glory, and set us apart from those who
     Jews from                             chat Torah with Shavuot. On Shavuot, we read   go astray and gave us the Torah of truth and
                                                                                 implanted  eternal life within us.”
                                           the narrative of the giving of the Torah on Mount
                                           Sinai, and spend the night studying the full spec-  Today’s world is so jam-packed with
     around the                            trum of the Torah’s wisdom. In stark contrast, our   technology, information, and material items,
                                           connection to the Torah on Simchat Torah reaches
                                                                                 but so many still find themselves feeling so
                                           above and beyond our intellectual capacity. We   empty. People wonder, “who am I, and where
     world:                                celebrate our intrinsic and primordial connection   do I belong? What purpose and role do I play in
                                                                                 this complex world?” The song is an expression
                                           with the Torah which every Jew shares, regardless
     Which Simchat                         of their intellectual capacity or scholarship. For   of our gratitude to Hashem for choosing us as
                                           that reason, we manifest our joy with physical
                                                                                 His nation, thanking Him for giving us direction,
                                           dancing holding the Torah scrolls closed, with-  meaning, and purpose in life.
     Torah song do                         out opening them up in a way that exposes the   gave us the answer to these deep existential
                                                                                    As Jews, we are fortunate that Hashem
                                           distinguishing abilities of different people. It is
                                           a distinctly unifying means of celebrating our   questions. He chose us and gave us the Torah,
     you find most                         integral connection with the Torah. For Chassidim,   with the holy mission l’hagdil Torah u’l’ha’adira,
                                                                                 to spread Torah and sanctify His name in the
                                           opening and reading the Torah on Simchat Torah
                                           night would run counter to that spirit.  world. We receive this charge as a blessing, in a
     meaningful                            have their own beauty, there is something   world in which so many are lost.
                                              Although all customs are legitimate and
                                                                                    Listening to this song while holding my baby
     and why?                              very profound about celebrating the unifying   was deeply moving. I was filled with gratitude to
                                           connection of everyone to the Torah without
                                                                                 Hashem, for my son, born into this complicated,
                                           regard to their background, knowledge or   confusing world, is already a part of our elevated
                                           capacity. For that reason, my favorite song on   mission.
                                           Simchat Torah is a song without words. It is any
                                           uplifting niggun, any wordless song, in which
                                           everyone can join from the depths of their soul
                                           – even if they do not know an aleph or a beit.
                                           Rabbi Justice Marcus Solomon is the founding   Mrs. Emma Katz is the Director of NILI – The
                                           Rabbi of the Dianella Shule Mizrachi Perth. He was   Women’s Initiative of the Yeshiva University Torah
                                           recently appointed a justice on the Supreme Court   MiTzion Kollel of Chicago and the Rebbetzin at
                                           of Western Australia.                 Congregation Anshe Chesed in Linden, NJ.

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