Page 24 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 24
Hallel on Yom Yerushalayim
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon
uring the days before the Six- simpler than those regarding Yom collapsed in just two days, and we lib-
Day War in 1967, the secu- HaAtzmaut. On Yom HaAtzmaut, one can erated Jerusalem and the surrounding
rity situation in Israel was debate whether the Independence War cities. To commemorate a day of open
D very tense. Arab nations was a miracle worthy of commemorating miracles, we are obligated to recite Hallel
were preparing for war with the State of with Hallel recited with a blessing. The with a blessing.” (Shevet MiYehudah, Part 2,
Israel, and the terrified nation feared the miracle was not complete, our enemies Orach Chayim 59:2)
worst – that an attack would wreak havoc continued to try to destroy us after the And so the Chief Rabbinate of Israel estab-
and destruction throughout the country. war, and the spiritual situation in Israel
But when the war broke out, we saw open at the time was far from ideal. But on lished, from the very beginning, that Hallel
should be recited with a blessing on Yom
miracles: the IDF destroyed most of the Yom Yerushalayim, it is easier to rule that Yerushalayim, and this is the accepted
Egyptian air force on the ground, and Hallel should be recited with a blessing, for
within six days, we conquered half the the military victory was overwhelming, view today.
Sinai Peninsula, Jerusalem, Judea and we were saved from death, and we con-
Samaria, and the Golan Heights. It was a quered Jerusalem, our holy city and the
brilliant victory! source of our glory.
To mark this victory, in which we were In the words of the Chief Rabbi, Rabbi
saved from annihilation, and to mark the Isser Yehuda Unterman zt”l:
liberation of Jerusalem from 2,000 years “When it comes to celebrations and joy,
of the yoke of foreign rulers, we celebrate
on the 28th of Iyar, the day Jerusalem was there are certainly some superior aspects
to Yom HaAtzmaut, the day that symbol-
izes the very existence of the State, and Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon
Many halachic discussions relating to this day will always be the birthday is Head of Mizrachi’s Educational
Yom Yerushalayim are similar to those of the State of Israel. We hope that our Advisory Board and Rabbinic Council.
regarding Yom HaAtzmaut: establishing State will flourish and prosper, absorb He serves as the Chief Rabbi of Gush
a day of joy, reciting Hallel with a blessing, the ingathering of our exiles, and go from Etzion, Rosh Yeshivah of the Jerusalem
and whether the celebration overrides the success to success to pave the way to our College of Technology and is the Founder
laws of mourning that apply during Sefirat complete redemption. However, when it and Chairman of Sulamot and La'Ofek.
HaOmer. comes to reciting Hallel with a blessing,
Yom Yerushalayim takes priority, for on
As a general rule, the halachic decisions the 28th of Iyar, we saw open miracles: A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
regarding Yom Yerushalayim are even
the mighty staff of our enemies utterly
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