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The Tzurba M’Rabanan


          In recent years, the Lax Family Tzurba M’Rabanan halacha series has become
          extraordinarily popular in both Israel and the Diaspora. A systematic and
          concise learning method that walks the reader through the entire halachic
          process, Tzurba M’Rabanan covers the Biblical and Talmudic sources
          through modern-day halachic application. With its clear introductions and trademark color-coded sections, Tzurba
          M’Rabanan has changed the way thousands of people study halacha.

                          To learn more about the “Tzurba phenomenon,” Rabbi Aron White spoke with Rabbi Doron
                          Podlashuk, Director of the Lax Family Tzurba M’Rabanan English Series and founder and director
                          of the Selwyn & Ros Smith and Family Manhigut Toranit Program, a five-year post-semicha
                          program whose goal is to develop serious rabbinic leaders who will impact communities and
                          strengthen their commitment to Torah, mitzvot and Eretz Yisrael.

           What will readers find when they open a volume of   halachic topics to some of his graduates from Kerem B’Yavneh
           Tzurba M’Rabanan?                                  who joined the workforce and wanted to seriously learn
                                                              halacha. This process of compiling sources and condensing
           The Lax Family Tzurba English series is a revolutionary   them became the Tzurba prototype. The Tzurba Hebrew
           halachic work. Tzurba is written in a digestible and easy-  program has grown from this one shiur to over one thousand
           to-follow format allowing readers of all ages to walk away   shiurim.
           with a comprehensive understanding of  halacha. Each
           chapter contains all the sources in their original Hebrew   Years later, Rav Algazi moved to Yad Binyamin, where I
           along with a side-by-side English translation, guided by our   live, and began giving a Tzurba shiur. One of my friends,
           trademark color-coded sections based on the time period of   Jonny Ucko, remarked how it’s a great shame these amazing
           the commentary. We are currently working on volume 15 of   materials aren’t accessible to the English-speaking world,
           our projected 30-volume set covering over 300 topics. We aim   and I agreed. We decided that Manhigut Toranit, along
           to publish a new volume every 4 months.            with Rabbi Eli Ozarowski, would translate and expand the
                                                              Hebrew Tzurba volumes into English and that our avreichim
           How are schools, communities and individuals using   would write additional in-depth articles to supplement the
           the Tzurba books?                                  translations. In recent years, Marsha and Michael Lax have
                                                              become the key supporters of the project, enabling us to
           The feedback to our custom curriculum program has been   expand our reach in unprecedented ways. The program has
           exciting. Schools and organizations have the ability to hand   grown tremendously just in the last few years, due to the
           pick any of our published chapters and create their very own   hard work of the internal Tzurba team together with the
           curriculum. Many high schools that we speak to are looking   efforts of World Mizrachi.
           to create a halacha curriculum but don’t know where to start.
           With Tzurba, we can jump start their curriculum and afford   Our generation is blessed with many learning opportu-
           teachers the ability to focus on crafting meaningful lessons   nities, from daf yomi to Torah podcasts and more. What
           without having to worry about creating the content.
                                                              makes Tzurba unique?
           Additionally, in the United States, there are over 50   Daf yomi is wonderful; I’ve personally taught a daf yomi
           communities with weekly Tzurba chaburot learning our
           regular volumes. We have dedicated staff coordinating with   shiur for over 18 years. However, Tzurba is unique because
                                                              it not only helps you study Torah in depth, it also impacts
           chaburot to be sure they have what they need and to celebrate   your daily life and the way you view daily halachic living. It
           the completion of volumes. Due to increased demand, the
           Tzurba volumes are now available on Amazon which means   conveys the logic behind each halacha, helping people develop
                                                              a deeper appreciation for what they are practicing in their
           most people can get their order within 2 days.
                                                              everyday lives. Many people find halacha confusing or simply
                                                              a long list of rules; learning halacha in depth gives them a new
           What are the origins of Tzurba M’Rabanan and how did   perspective on the halachic system. I believe Tzurba brings
           the English series come to be?
                                                              our mesorah to life in a very unique way. Just by learning a
           Rabbi Benzion Algazi is the mastermind behind the original   few Tzurba pages you can begin to see and appreciate the
           Hebrew version of Tzurba. Rav Algazi began giving classes on   full tapestry of halacha.

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