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Strange Flexibility

                    The Deeper Connection between

                     Shavuot and Yom HaAtzmaut

                                              Seymour Shapiro

                 havuot is an unusual holiday.   not yom matan Torateinu, the “day of the   HaAtzmaut is celebrated anywhere from
                 All other Biblical festivals are   giving of the Torah.” The giving of the   the 3rd through the 6th of Iyar.
                 associated with a particular   Torah stubbornly refuses to be pinned to
         S day. Pesach begins on the 15th   a particular day!                   The unusual flexibility of both Shavuot
        of Nissan, Rosh Hashanah on the first of   What is the significance of Shavuot’s hazy   and Yom HaAtzmaut is telling. Just as
        Tishrei, followed immediately by Yom   timing?                          our commitment to Torah cannot be
        Kippur on the tenth and Sukkot on the                                   restricted to a particular day, our com-
        fifteenth.                          Unlike the themes and events commemo-  mitment to the State of Israel, repre-
                                            rated on other holidays, the Torah that we   sented by Yom HaAtzmaut, must not be
        Shavuot, by contrast, is not assigned a   received at matan Torah cannot and must   restricted to a particular day of the cal-
        particular day in the Torah. The Torah   not be confined to a particular day. Every   endar. As Shavuot inspires us to deepen
        does not tell us to celebrate Shavuot   day of the year, we must feel that we have   our year-long love of Torah, so must Yom
        on the 6th day of Sivan. Rather, we are   received the Torah anew. As Rashi writes,   HaAtzmaut enhance our commitment to
        commanded to celebrate Shavuot on the   “the words of the Torah shall be new to   Israel, particularly during these difficult
        50th day after the korban omer is brought   you, as if they were given just today”   times. In particular, let us extend the
        on the second day of Pesach. In the days   (Rashi, Shemot 19:1).        spirit of Jewish unity that is so central to
        before our calendar was set, when each                                  both Yom HaAtzmaut and Shavuot to the
        new month was declared by the beit   I believe this insight applies to Yom   entire year. With G-d’s help, this unity will
        din based upon the sighting of the new   HaAtzmaut as well. Like Shavuot, the   give us the strength we need to overcome
        moon, Shavuot could fall on either the   timing of Yom HaAtzmaut is fluid. Though   the many challenges that face our nation.
        5th, 6th or 7th of Sivan, depending upon   it is formally celebrated on the 5th of Iyar,
        whether Nissan and Iyar had 29 or 30   it is rarely observed on this day. In order
        days. If Nissan and Iyar both had 30 days,   to avoid the violation of Shabbat, when
        Shavuot would fall on the 5th of Sivan; if   the 5th of Iyar falls on either Friday or
        both months had 29 days, Shavuot would   Shabbat, the Yom HaAtzmaut celebration
        fall on the 7th of Sivan.           is advanced to Thursday, and so the fes-
                                            tival is actually celebrated on the 3rd or
        Incredibly, the Gemara (Shabbat 86b–  4th of Iyar. In other years, when the 5th of
        88a) debates at length whether the date   Iyar falls on a Monday, the celebration of
        of matan Torah was on the 6th or 7th of   Yom HaAtzmaut is deferred until Tuesday,   Seymour Shapiro
        Sivan. The details are not relevant to this   the 6th of Iyar, in order to avoid potential   is Chairman of the Board of the Religious
        discussion, but the uncertainty as to the   violations of Shabbat at the start of Yom   Zionists of America. He has been involved
        actual date of matan Torah is telling. Along   HaZikaron. Strangely, Yom HaAtzmaut is   with RZA-Mizrachi for over a half century.
        these lines, Shavuot is referred to as zman   only celebrated on the 5th of Iyar when   A retired telecommunications executive,
        matan Torateinu, the “time of the giving   it falls on Wednesday (as was the case   he and his wife share their time between
                                                                                    Long Branch, NJ and Netanya, Israel.
        of our Torah,” a general time frame, and   this year). Depending on the year, Yom

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