Page 8 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 8

Young Olim Giving Back to Israel

                                                   Elle Shimoni has always felt a deep responsibility to contribute to her homeland. Elle
                                                   graduated nursing school in 2015 and originally planned to work for a few years before
                                                   making Aliyah. However, the murder of Dafna Meir changed her plans. Elle felt a strong
                                                   connection to Dafna, who was also a nurse, and decided to dedicate her Aliyah to her. Only
                                                   five days after making Aliyah in 2016, Elle met with Dafna’s widower, Natan Meir, and it was
                                                   the most special day of her life. Natan says that Elle’s dedication to Dafna’s memory brought
                                                   light into his family’s life.
                                                   After making Aliyah, Elle completed an Ulpan program and worked in the Terem medical
                                                   center. She then moved on to the pediatric and postpartum units at Hadassah Hospital, all
                                                   while raising two children with her husband. The past six years have been busy, but great.
                                                   In March 2023, Elle joined Nefesh B’Nefesh at MedEx to share her experiences as a nurse
                                                   in Israel. She hopes to inspire other nurses and nursing students to consider making Aliyah
                                                   and to contribute to Israel.
                                                   Elle has found that working in Israel presents unique challenges and opportunities. She has
                                                   learned to adapt to a different healthcare system and has gained a greater appreciation for
                                                   the resilience of the Israeli people. She believes that working as a nurse in Israel is not just
                                                   a job but a calling to serve the Jewish people. Elle’s inspiring dedication to her work and
                                                   her commitment to Dafna’s memory reminds us of the importance of serving others and
                                                   the power of the human spirit.

           When Chaya Engel first traveled to Israel, she never imagined it would become her home. As
           an American, she thought that making Aliyah was reserved for those who fit a “certain mold,”
           which she did not. Despite her reservations, she found herself drawn to Israel, feeling a
           magnetic attraction that she couldn’t resist. Everything changed for Chaya when she staffed her
           first Birthright Israel trip in the summer of 2014, only a few weeks after three Israeli teenagers
           were kidnapped and murdered. Despite the circumstances, Chaya boarded her flight with 40
           American college students who were eager to learn and explore. Hours after they landed, war
           broke out, and rockets began to fall.
           For the next three years, Chaya struggled with her dream of making Aliyah. In July 2017, she was
           ready to face her fears and take a leap of faith. She spent the entire Aliyah flight overthinking
           everything, afraid that she had made a mistake. Despite the rocky start, Chaya persevered
           and found her place in Israel. A year and a half into her Aliyah, she met the man who would
           become her husband, and they now have a sweet 1.5-year-old baby boy. Looking back,
           Chaya is grateful that she didn’t let her fears get the best of her and that she continued to
           persevere, despite the challenges.
           Living in Israel is not easy, but Chaya loves it here. Making Aliyah helped her to find her family
           and her place in the world. Sadly, she lost her father unexpectedly four months ago. Chaya’s
           father was a brilliant, honest, and hard working man who always believed that “children are
           the only wealth that lasts.” Despite his passing, Chaya feels that she is living out her destiny
           and her father’s dream. She remembers the eve of her wedding when her father walked
           the streets of Jerusalem, crying in joy and love for the Jewish homeland.
           Chaya is forever grateful for the journey that led her to Israel. She now works at Nefesh B’Nefesh as an Aliyah Advisor helping other olim make Israel their
           home. Despite the challenges she has faced, Chaya remains committed to her life in Israel, honoring her father’s memory every step of the way.

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