Page 13 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 13
Reflections on the Mizrachi
World Orthodox Israel Congress
Odelia Glausiusz
alking into Mizrachi’s World Jew in Ukraine, “to be Jewish was to be struck by these educators’ idealism, and
Orthodox Israel Congress last born with a disease.” But after 1967, Israel left the room with a better understanding
Thursday, I wasn’t sure what entered his life. He realized we are a people of the challenge and renewed hope for the
Wto expect. After picking up my with an incredible history that he, too, future of Jewish education.
name tag, I tried to orient myself. The could be a part of. “You discover you have Another fascinating panel addressed the
lobby was filled with book stands and a family, a state. When you discover this
people were milling around. The interna- identity, you have the strength to start ways in which technology is reshaping
Judaism, while a rooftop tour of Jerusalem
tional flavor of the event was obvious; a fighting… you are sure that all of Israel is
friendly lady from San Diego introduced fighting for you.” offered a succinct and eye-opening expla-
herself to me as we walked upstairs, and nation of Jerusalem’s current geopolitical
I soon bumped into delegates I knew from In a later session I sat next to another climate. The last session I attended, “From
London. There was a palpable sense of friendly lady, who turned out to be Sondra Antisemitism to Ohr Lagoyim: Religious
enthusiasm and optimism in the air. Sokal, vice-chair of World Mizrachi. She Zionism’s Moment to Impact the Nations
commented that though the relationship of the World,” was an eye-opening discus-
Dr. Rena Novick, Dean of the Azrieli Grad- between Diaspora Jewry and Israelis has sion between two Jews and two Christians
uate School of Jewish Education, summed so often been antagonistic, “this [Congress] about Am Yisrael’s impact on the broader
up the atmosphere of the Congress: “It’s has been so different, so purposeful, and world. Whether we realize it or not, mil-
incredible to be with so many like-minded so focused on bringing people together. It’s lions of non-Jews around the world are
people who are committed to advancing refreshing.” Similarly, Rabbanit Rachelle turning to us for leadership.
the Jewish story, to advancing the Reli- Fraenkel noted the “interesting blend of Rabbi Leo Dee opened the evening Mish-
gious Zionist story; people who are both people that came from abroad,” and the
bright-eyed but also reasonably realistic sense of connection between everyone: mar sessions with moving words about
faith and how a growth mindset is the
about the challenges we face.” By the “There’s a lot of excitement, a feeling
end of the day, I saw that Dr. Novick’s of growth of Religious Zionism in chutz key to happiness. He asked us all to “take
energy and direct it into something you’re
insight was spot on. The panelists were la’aretz, and it wasn’t always that way. It’s
thought-provoking and forthright in growing again, and there’s enthusiasm passionate about, in memory of Lucy, Maia
and Rina.” It was a fitting challenge to
addressing our community’s challenges, and a great energy here.”
but also hopeful that these challenges end an extraordinary day. How will the
hundreds of rabbis, educators and lay
could be overcome. At a session on “Defining and Developing
Women’s Torah Leadership,” a vibrant leaders present channel the passion and
Miriam Peretz, recipient of the Israel Prize panel of inspiring female educators spoke insight gleaned from the Congress when
for Lifetime Achievement and Special Con- with infectious passion. They addressed they return to their communities? By the
tribution to Society, set the tone in her the unique contributions that female com- look of inspired determination on the del-
opening address. She stressed that our munity leaders have to give, and the need egates’ faces, it was clear they are up for
strength as Jewish people in the Land not only for Torah teachers, but also for lay the challenge.
of Israel is due to the ruach, the spirit, of leaders to properly guide and impact the
the people who live here. Above all, she lifestyles of Jewish women today.
emphasized that we are obligated to look
out for one another. “When I see you,” she The need for leadership was a consistent
said, looking out at the audience, “I see theme throughout the day. At a session
yachad, oneness. I feel that you are my addressing the worldwide shortage of
brothers and sisters.” Natan Sharansky educators and rabbis, the panelists dis-
gave the final opening address, and simi- cussed the severity of the problem as well Odelia Glausiusz
larly concluded his speech with the words, as creative plans to increase the number of recently moved to Jerusalem where
“Zionism unites everyone.” For him, as a quality candidates entering the field. I was she works as a freelance writer.
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