Page 12 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 12

Over 1,500 Participants at Inaugural

                      World Orthodox Israel Congress

    Miriam Peretz                Roi Abecassis                Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter  Shira Lankin Sheps

    Rabbi Eliezer Melamed, Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon, and Rabbi   Yonah Rossman and Rabbi Leo Dee speaking to the Youth   Asher Fredman, David Weinberg, Fleur Hassan-Nahoum,
    Benzion Algazi                         Leadership delegates                  and Aryeh Lightstone

    Rabbi Mark Dratch, Chief Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt, Hamutal   Minister of Aliyah and Absorption Ofir Sofer meets with   Prof. Yedidia Stern, Dr. Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, and Dr.
    Rogel, Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman, and Mr. Gady Gronich  leaders of Diaspora Jewish communities  Moshe Koppel

    Chief Rabbi Sir Ephraim Mirvis speaking to the Youth   Gael Grunewald, Rabbi Reuven Tradburks, Rabbi Dr. Leonard   Rebbetzin Natalie Altman, Rabbi Andrew Shaw, and Rabbi Dr.
    Leadership delegates                   Matanky, Minister Amichai Chikli, MK Ohad Tal, Rabbi   Seth Grauer presenting to the Youth Leadership delegates
                                           Binyamin Blau, and Rabbi Moshe Hauer

    David Weinberg and Itzik Stern         Youth Leadership delegates with Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon  Rabbi Scot Berman and Rabbi Dov Zinger
                                                                                                   (PHOTOS: ARIEL OHANA/JACOB ZALDIN)
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