Page 48 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 48

Naomi Shemer:

         “I Grew Up in her Light”

                                          Sivan Rahav-Meir

                 he 7th of Tammuz is the anni-  I remember there was a mother who was   that I apologize, that I am very ill and
                 versary of the passing of one   sitting shiva over the passing of her son   therefore cannot answer them. I also ask
                 of  Israel’s  most well-known   who fell while serving in the IDF. He was   that they not send wishes for my recovery,
        Tsongwriters, Naomi Shemer. 19      not the first son of hers to have given his   because I will not be able to answer those
        years have passed since the woman who   life for his country. Mother took a sheet of   messages either. Tell them that if they
        wrote Yerushalayim shel Zahav (Jerusalem   paper and wrote at the top of the page, “I   bless me in their hearts, I will feel those
        of Gold), Lu Yehi (If Only), Lo Tinatzchu Oti   have no words” and, at the bottom, signed   blessings in mine.’”
        (You Will Not Defeat Me), and many other   her name, “Naomi Shemer.”    I asked Horowitz, a singer and composer
        memorable songs passed away. I spoke to   In the hospital, two days before her death,   himself, what it was like to grow up in the
        her son, Ariel Horowitz, and asked him if   my mother suddenly said to me: ‘Ariel,   shadow of such a prominent songwriter.
        there was a story that had not yet been   there is a problem.’ I asked what the prob-  Correcting me, he said: “I did not grow
        published about his mother. He immedi-  lem was and she said: ‘I received a letter   up in her shadow. I grew up in her light.”
        ately told me the following story:
                                                        from fourth graders and I
        “My mother felt compelled to                       cannot respond. I ask    Translated by Yehoshua Siskin.
        answer every letter sent to her,                     that you locate their
        and she received quite a lot of                        teacher, contact
        them. These were the days                               her, and request
        before email when you                                    that she tell
        had to sit with paper                                     the children
        and pen and actually
        write. Furthermore,
        she was not just
        some celebrity                                                                    Sivan Rahav-Meir
        cut off from the                                                         is a media personality and lecturer. She lives
        public; the oppo-                                                         in Jerusalem with her husband, Yedidya,
        site was true.                                                           and their five children, and serves as World
                                                                                  Mizrachi’s Scholar-in-Residence. She is a
                                                                                 primetime anchor on Channel 2 News, has
                                                                                   a column in Israel’s largest newspaper,
                                                                                  Yediot Acharonot, and has a weekly radio
                                                                                    show on Galei Tzahal (Army Radio).

                                                                                     A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau

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