Page 46 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 46

Who Murdered

                                          Chaim Arlozorov?

                                          Rav Kook’s Fight for Justice

                                                for the Falsely Accused

                                                                Moshe Nachmani

             inety years ago, on Friday night, June 16, 1933, Chaim   from all of humanity, must
             Arlozorov, head of the political department of the Jewish   protest against this terri-
             Agency, was murdered on a beach in Tel Aviv. Two right-  ble sin of shedding clean
        N wing Jewish activists, Avraham Stavsky and Zvi Rosenblatt,   and righteous blood, and
        were suspected of the murder. Their ten-month trial caused a   do everything in his power
        storm of controversy in the Jewish community in Israel, and at   to correct the perversion of
        the end of the trial, Stavsky was sentenced to death by hanging.
                                                              the law and restore to the
        One of the most prominent figures in the story of Stavsky’s rescue   pure victim his complete
        from execution was the Chief Rabbi, Rav Avraham Yitzchak HaKo-  freedom.”
        hen Kook. Rav Kook came to Stavsky’s defense on the grounds
        that there was no actual evidence that he committed the murder,   When Rav Kook was asked
        arguing that it was forbidden to execute a suspect under such   if he was sure that Stavsky
        circumstances.                                        was not the murderer, he
                                                              replied: “I am not 100%
        Rav Kook’s argument was not based on ruach hakodesh, nor on the
        assumption that a Jew is incapable of killing, as some respected   sure; I am 120% sure!” In
        researchers claim, but on confidential information he received   an assembly attended by   Stamp in honor of Avraham Stavsky.
        that exonerated Stavsky. The decisive information was given to   fifty people, including the
        him by Bechor Sheetrit, the prosecutor in the murder case. Sheet-  leaders of the Yishuv, he
        rit had interrogated two Arabs who were suspected of the murder   said: “I am ready to swear on Erev Yom Kippur in front of an
        and became convinced that they were, indeed, the culprits. After   open aron kodesh that Stavsky is innocent.”
        Rav Kook swore that he would keep the matter a secret, Sheetrit   Interestingly, though Rav Kook was one of the leaders of those
        revealed his conclusions to him.
                                                              who worked for the acquittal and release of Stavsky, to this day
        An action committee was established to save the accused, and   no comprehensive study has been written that describes all of his
        Rav Kook won the public campaign to save Stavsky. He published   efforts. Much has been written about the Arlozorov murder, but
        announcements and urged distinguished public figures to join the   the experts have, for some reason, purposely concealed Rav Kook’s
        rescue attempts. He did all this despite the heavy public pressure   role. For example, in the book The Murder of Arlozorov by Shabtai
        directed towards him and accusations that he was protecting a   Tevet, Rav Kook’s name is mentioned only twice incidentally.
        murderer. Left-wing extremists hung posters on the walls of his
        house: “Woe to the generation whose kohanim protect murderers.”   After Stavsky was acquitted in court, Beitar leader Ze’ev Jabotin-
        For many weeks, the left-wing press published a slew of hateful   sky sent an emotional letter to the Religious Zionist rabbi Natan
        articles against Rav Kook.                            Milikovsky (Benjamin Netanyahu’s grandfather), and among
        Rav Kook was not frightened by the propaganda campaign. In one   other things he wrote: “Overnight, Rav Kook’s name became a
        of his proclamations, he wrote: “We can all testify that [Stavsky]   sublime symbol in the hearts of countless multitudes… If I were
        is completely free of guilt. We must not stand idly by! Anyone   not a boor completely ignorant of the Torah and afraid to open
        who has a spark of G-dliness in his heart, from all of Israel and   my mouth on a religious matter, I would call publicly at this

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