Page 42 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 42
VIEWS Rabbi Reuven Shira Lankin
Boshnack Sheps
R ver 18 years ago, when I was a student
av Chaim HaCohen of Aram Tzoba, also
in seminary, I had the opportunity
known as Aleppo, Syria, was a student of
Rabbi Chaim Vital who wrote a fantastic
to be taught by Dr. Yael Ziegler. As a
teen, I hadn’t yet discovered what the
commentary on Shulchan Aruch. Though
much of the commentary was lost, we Ostories of our history as a people meant
We asked five still have many sections of Orach Chaim and to me. In her Tanach classes, I was empowered
the laws of mourning. It is named the Tur Bare-
to read the text in a different way, parsing out
accomplished ket - Mekor Chaim, after one of the columns of the meaning of every verse and understanding
characters, values, allusions, and messages that
precious stones on the kohen gadol’s chest plate.
This unique book explains the interface between transcend the individuals in the narratives. She
Jews from the laws of daily life, the secrets of Torah and the taught me that the messages of Tanach are as
life lessons which emerge from them.
applicable to our lives today as they were in their
“His head is a shining gem, the curls of own time. They are messages that were meant
around the his hair are black like a raven” (Shir HaShirim for all generations.
When her book Ruth: From Alienation to
5:11). The Midrash explains these curls of hair
represent the curls and nuances of halacha. Rav Monarchy was published, I instantly knew that it
world: Aharon HaLevi of Starshellye (Parashat Naso) would become a favorite of mine and a constant
companion for my Shavuot night learning.
comments that hair grows from the head, and
Which sefer yet we feel nothing when it is cut. Each nuance of Utilizing midrashic readings to uncover deep
halacha emerges from Hashem’s will, but often
textual analysis and a revelation of religious
we don’t understand how or why it matters or meanings in the megillah of Ruth, Dr. Ziegler
can keep you what difference it makes in our lives. Herein lies offers insights into the themes of leadership,
the charm in Rav Chaim HaCohen’s sefer. I find it
redemption, identity, and social morality.
incredibly compelling to delve into the meaning Over the last few years, I have stayed up
awake all behind each curl of halacha, how it connects us through the early morning hours of Shavuot
reading and re-reading her scholarship. Every
with Hashem and how each law aims to improve
our lives. time I crack open the spine once more, I uncover
night long on new ideas, deeper meaning, and a stronger
connection to the text and the holiday.
Shira Lankin Sheps, MSW, is a writer, photographer,
and clinically trained therapist. She is the creator
and publisher of The Layers Project Magazine, an
online magazine that explores in-depth insights
Rabbi Reuven Boshnack is the Rav of Pri Eitz into the challenges and triumphs of the lives of
Chaim/OAJC and a Rebbe, Mashgiach and Advi- Jewish women. She is the author of “Layers: Per-
sor for Undergraduate Torah Studies at Yeshiva sonal Narratives of Struggle, Resilience, and Growth
University. He is the author of several sefarim on From Jewish Women” published by Toby Press in
the Maharal, Sefas Emes and Izhbitz. 2021.
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