Page 37 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 37

this reflection is superficial and merely   with being “kovei’ah itim l’Torah.” Devoting   hours and write them down on a little pad.
        physical.                           a set time each day and night to Torah   At the end of each week, month and year,
                                            learning reinforces our appreciation of its   each person tallies his total hours of Torah
        Heaven’s cry                        importance and gives us a better chance   study. When someone dies, we add up the
        “Every day, a heavenly voice cries out from   of continuing consistently.   total amount of time they spent learning
        Sinai saying: ‘Woe to the creatures who   Ideally, we should set aside the first and   Torah and doing mitzvot. For this person,
        insult the Torah’ by not taking advantage   last hours of each day for Torah study.   it was ten years, for that person twelve.
        of the opportunity to study it” (Avot 6:2).   Learning first thing in the morning shows   The ages on the gravestone are their Torah
        This lament is especially relevant to our   that Torah is our priority and ensures we   ages, not their biological ones.”
        times. The Industrial Revolution and sub-  learn before the days get busy. Learning   Shavuot is a time to reflect upon how to
        sequent technological advances shortened   at  the end of  our  day  frames  the  day   make our days, months, and years count.
        the amount of time needed to complete   with holiness and infuses our sleep with   The Tschebiner Rebbe used to challenge
        our workload, while electricity lighting   thoughts of Torah.           his  chassidim to consider what would
        up our nights has expanded our ability   Studying with a chavruta in a beit midrash   happen if someone already deceased
        to be productive at night. Together, these   and joining a set daily learning program   was given the opportunity to return to
        advancements afford us an unprecedented   (like daf yomi) will also help us maintain a   this world for a few days. How would he
        amount of free time. But how do we use   commitment to learning. Chavruta study   spend his limited time? The newly revived
        this time? Unfortunately, much of the   makes us responsible to someone else,   man would surely rush to the beit midrash
        world devotes it to leisure and entertain-  while learning in a beit midrash among a   to learn as much Torah as possible and
        ment, using their free time for activities   cadre of learners adds atmosphere to our   certainly wouldn’t waste his time on idle
        that do not enrich them or impact their   learning. Finally, joining a daily learning   chatter and meaningless activities. We,
        surroundings in any meaningful way.  program links us to a global community   too, should appreciate the limited time we
        “Rabbi  Chanina  the  son  of  Chachinai   devoted to a common Torah goal.  have in this world and use it well.
        would say: One who stays awake at night,   Many of us spend hours commuting each   Our communities do so much good. We
        or travels alone on the road, and turns his   day. What do we do while driving or on   send our children to fine schools, daven
        heart to idleness, has forfeited his life.”   the train, bus or plane? Travel time is an   in beautiful shuls, and are deeply commit-
        (Avot 3:4). The problem is not being up at   excellent opportunity to listen to a shiur or   ted to chessed. Our commitment to Torah
        night in and of itself, but, rather staying   read a sefer. By doing so, we increase our   learning, on the other hand, definitely
        up at night without learning Torah. Night   Torah learning and reinforce our appreci-  needs strengthening. Let us use  Chag
        time was created for Torah study and sleep   ation of Torah.            Matan Torateinu as a time to reflect on the
        (Eruvin 65a); one who wastes it does not                                importance of Torah learning and the
        deserve the life he has been gifted.  Every Jew should aspire to become a Torah   ways we can deepen our commitment to
                                            scholar. Our appreciation of the Torah’s
        We live in an age of constant distraction.   value should also inspire us to seek to   it. Chag Sameach!
        It is, in fact, no further than the palms of   grow our Torah knowledge. It is never too
        our hands. Though people have always   late to acquire Torah knowledge. Rabbi
        been drawn to meaningless pursuits, easy   Akiva began his meteoric growth at age
        access to smartphones, social media and   forty. Most of us are already ahead of him
        entertainment has increased the tempta-  and just need to maintain our focus and
        tion dramatically.                  effort.
        Shavuot is the time to consider the con-
        trast between the great value of Torah   What our life amounts to                  Scan here to join Rabbi Taragin’s
        study versus the amount of time we   Rav Ovadia Yosef zt”l told the story of     daily Divrei Torah WhatsApp group
        commit to it. We should reflect upon the   a rabbi who visited a town for the first
        activities in which we invest our time and   time. The locals gave their honored guest a
        consider the growth we would achieve if   tour, taking him to see the shul, the school,
        we devoted that same time to Torah study.   the mikveh and finally the cemetery. The
                                            rabbi was shocked to see that all the grave-
        Translating our good intentions     stones memorialized children who had
        Many of us have tried to devote more   died young: Reuven, 12 years old. Shimon,
        time to Torah study, but have struggled   11 years old. Levi, 15 years old, and so on.   Rabbi Reuven Taragin
        to actualize our good intentions. After   “Was there a plague here?” he asked. “A   is Educational Director of Mizrachi
        Shavuot, when we return to the busyness   pogrom? Why did they die so young?”  and Dean of the Yeshivat Hakotel
        of everyday life, our hopes of intensifying   “No, rabbi,” the mayor explained. “In this   Overseas Program.
        our Torah study often fall by the wayside.
                                            town, we keep track of the time we spend   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
        Chazal addressed this problem with a   each day learning Torah and doing mitzvot.
        practical recipe for success. It begins   At the end of the day, we count up those

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