Page 36 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 36


                                         A SHAVUOT

                      CHESHBON HANEFESH

                                           Rabbi Reuven Taragin

        The central pillar                  acceptance of the Torah, so the world’s   When some questioned his commitment
               havuot, the holiday that celebrates   continued existence depends upon Torah   to teaching Torah in violation of a Roman
               the giving of the Torah, is the   learning. If there would be even one   prohibition, Rabbi Akiva compared a Jew’s
               time when both Hashem and the   moment completely bereft of Torah learn-  need for Torah learning to a fish’s depen-
        SJewish people reflect upon our     ing, the world would cease to exist (Nefesh   dence on water (Berachot 61b). Torah is not
        relationship with the Torah He gave us.  HaChayim, Sha’ar 1:16). Along these lines,   just an enhancer of life; it is a condition
                                            Rabbi Meir emphasizes that one person   for it. Though we can physically live and
        Though Shimon HaTzaddik identifies Torah   learning Torah makes the entire world’s   breathe without Torah, our spiritual life
        study as one of three pillars that support   existence worthwhile (Avot 6:1).   hinges upon its nourishment.
        the world (Avot 1:2), the pillar of Torah is
        the most important. “Talmud Torah k’neged   Pirkei Avot begins with Shimon HaTzaddik’s   Why is Torah study so important? It is
        kulam,” “the significance of Torah learning   assertion that the world exists for the pur-  the only pursuit we can devote all of our
        is equal to that of all other mitzvot” (Peah   pose of Torah learning. It ends with Rabbi   free time to. While chessed is performed
        1:1).                               Meir taking this notion a significant step   in response to a situational need and tefil-
                                                                                lah is recited at set intervals, Torah can
        This explains why the world’s existence   further by portraying even a single person’s   be learned at any free moment. At any
        hinges upon Torah learning. The Torah   Torah learning as justifying the existence   moment, we can draw close to Hashem
        describes the sixth day of creation as   of the entire world!           by immersing ourselves in His thoughts.
        “yom hashishi” as opposed to “yom shishi,”
        unlike its description of the previous days   The greatest and highest life  Rabbi Meir asserts that Torah learning
        of creation. Chazal explain that Hashem   “If you have learned much Torah, do not   makes one “greater” and “higher” than all
        conditioned Creation on the events of a   take special credit; it is why you were cre-  other creations. In Rav Yosef’s view, Torah
        future “sixth day” – the sixth of Sivan –   ated” (Avot 2:8). The world was conceived   learning is “great” because it makes those
        when the Torah was given. Had we not   as a context for Torah learning, and the   who learn it “greater,” elevating us to the
        committed ourselves to Torah, the world   Jewish people were created to be the vehi-  highest version of ourselves (Avot 6:2). Rav
        would have been returned to nothingness   cle. This explains why Hillel taught that   Yosef explained his custom to celebrate
        (Avodah Zarah 3a).                  one who does not study Torah deserves to   Shavuot with a “triple-meat” sandwich
                                                                                by asserting that without Torah learning,
        Rav Chaim Volozhin understood that just   die, for Torah study is the central reason   he would have amounted to no more than
        as creation hinged on                  for our existence (Avot 1:13). If we do   “the average Joe / Yosef” (Pesachim 68b).
        our original                                not fulfill our role, the gift of life
                                                          will, G-d forbid, be taken   There are many ways people seek to dis-
                                                                   from us.     tinguish themselves. There are the Joe
                                                                                DiMaggios and Joe Namaths of sports
                                                                                and the Joe Bidens and Joe Liebermans of
                                                                                politics. Though some of their accomplish-
                                                                                ments are impressive and impactful, only
                                                                                (ilmaleh) Torah learning truly develops us
                                                                                in a meaningful way.
                                                                                This appreciation lies at the heart of Chag
                                                                                 Shavuot. To celebrate Shavuot properly,
                                                                                  we need to reflect upon how central
                                                                                   Torah learning and values are to
                                                                                    our identity. Celebration without

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