Page 34 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 34

Jewry’s Journey

           to a Second Shavuot

                                   Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ל״צז

                    In June 1997 – 100 years after the First Zionist Congress – the Jewish Chronicle published
                      an article written by (then) Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks about a new kind of Zionism
                           which hinged on the question of Jewish identity and the sense of belonging.

              ometimes, the most contemporary   On Shavuot, we recall a quite different   a common history of suffering but by a
              debates in Judaism are also the   text. At Mount Sinai, prior to receiving the   shared commitment to a unique way of
              most ancient. That is certainly   Ten Commandments, the Israelites heard   life.
        Strue of the most fundamental of    these words from G-d: “Now, if you obey   The Hebrew for such a group is edah, a
        all – the question of Jewish identity. What   Me fully and keep My covenant, then out   congregation. An am is defined by what
        is it to be a Jew? Today, that debate rever-  of all the nations you will be My treasured   happened to it in the past. An edah is
        berates throughout the Jewish world. Is   possession, for all the earth is Mine. You   defined by what it is called on to do in the
        being a Jew simply living in a Jewish   will be for Me a kingdom of priests and a   future. An am is a community of fate. An
        state, or, in the Diaspora, being part of   holy nation” (Shemot 19:5–6).  edah is a community of faith. The Torah
        an ethnic group? Is it a matter of belong-  According to the first text, Jews became a   does not suggest that Jewish identity is
        ing rather than of believing? Or is Jewish   nation in Egypt. According to the second,   exclusively one or the other. To be a Jew
        identity something essentially religious,   they became a nation only when they left   is to be both part of an am and a member
        a faith and a way of life?          Egypt, traveled into the desert, and were   of an edah. More precisely, it is to journey
        The most interesting of all answers is   offered the Torah as their covenant with   from the first to the second.
        given by the Torah. At a certain point,   G-d. How are we to reconcile the texts?  Moshe discovered his Jewish identity
        Jews ceased to be a family – the children   There are two ways in which individuals   when he saw his brothers and sisters
        of Ya’akov – and became a nation. When   come together to become a nation. The   suffering in Egypt and knew his fate
        did this take place, and how? To this, the   first is when they face a common enemy;   was joined to theirs. But he did not stop
        Torah gives two different accounts. They   that is what happened to the Israelites   there, not even when he had led them
        could be called the Pesach and Shavuot   in Egypt. They were different. They were   out of slavery. He took them onward to
        definitions of Jewish identity.     enslaved. Their suffering forged them as   Sinai, where they became the people of
                                            a group. They shared a collective fate. In   the Torah. That is the journey we retrace
        On Pesach, at the Seder table, we expound   Hebrew, we call such an entity an am, a
        the following passage: “A wandering   people. But at Sinai, Jews became a nation   from Pesach to Shavuot. It is also our jour-
        Aramean was my father, and he went   in a quite different sense. They became a   ney as modern Jews.
        down into Egypt, and sojourned there,   body politic, with G-d as their Sovereign,   One hundred years ago, in the summer of
        few in number. And there, he became a   and the Torah as their written constitu-  1897, a gathering took place in the small
        nation…” (Devarim 26:5).            tion. They were brought together not by   Swiss town of Basel that was to change

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