Page 46 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5781 Australia
P. 46


                                                                                Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein

               Partnering with G-d

                hat is the essential principle   see them to fruition.  We must partner   Here, Rav Kooks refers to Aliyah and
                of Religious Zionism? What   with G-d to perfect the world.      settling the Land as partnering with
       Wdistinguishes it from other         In this context, Rav Kook quotes the   G-d.
       movements within Orthodox Judaism?   following  Midrash:  In  the  future,  a   In an essay written 25 years later, Rav
       For Rav Kook, one key factor emerges   heavenly voice will burst forth from the   Kook once again invoked this Mid-
       from an age-old but highly relevant   tops of mountains and declare: “Who-  rash. Here, however, his theme is not
       question  of  how  to  understand  the   ever acted together with G-d, let him   the material building of the Land, but
       books of our prophets. Many nevi’im   come and take his reward… the Holy   the imperative to realize why we have
       captivatingly  prophesied  about  the   Spirit says “Who has acted before me   returned. According to Rav Kook, our
       messianic era. The Jewish people will   such that I can reward him” (Vayikra   mission is to create a society in the Land
       return to the Land of Israel and the   Rabbah 27:2).                      of Israel that reflects G-d’s most ideal
       Beit HaMikdash will be rebuilt. Peace   G-d wants us to “act together with Him”   values.
       and fraternity will become the norm.   to create redemption. For this reason,
       The hungry will be fed. G-d’s palpable   Rav  Kook’s  conception  of  Religious   Therefore,  in  conjunction  with  the
       presence will permeate the world. All   Zionism is still urgently relevant today.   building of towns and businesses, a true
       will recognize the truth of the One G-d   While, arguably, the secular Zionist   Jewish revival must include “invest[ing]
       and His Torah.                       project was mostly accomplished by   to increase the light of Torah in the
       What is the relevance of these proph-  the establishment and strengthening of   Land of our lives… and then the holy
       ecies for Jews living in an imperfect   the State of Israel, for Rav Kook, this is   and loyal spirit of the Jewish people will
       world? What should be our takeaway   just the beginning.  Partnering with G-d   be revealed through the entire enter-
       when  we  read  these  soul  stirring   to bring redemption after 1948 means   prise.” By doing so, Rav Kook writes,
       descriptions during the tragic times of   trying to actualize the whole gamut   we will fulfil the words of the Midrash
       exile?                               of  messianic  prophecies  within  our   of “act[ing] together with G-d” to bring
                                            individual and national lives. It means   redemption (Ma’amarei HaRe’iyah, pg.
    Background illustration of Rav Kook courtesy of
       One approach is that these prophe-   deeply studying the Torah’s descriptions   73).
       cies are intended for consolation and   of the end of days and actively using
       encouragement.  The  promise  of  a   this “light of Mashiach” to help navigate   Partnering  with  G-d  to  create  a
       bright future provides us with succor   our path in the present (Orot, Yisrael   redeemed  reality  is  a  multifaceted
       and hope even as we live through the   UTechiyato, 20).                   project. Even as we thank G-d for what
       depravity  of  the  present.  But  on  a                                  we have, we still must actively work
       practical level these prophecies should   In line with this broader conception of   towards making life in Israel pulsate
       have little impact on our behaviors.   Religious Zionism, Rav Kook cited the   with the spirituality and morality of the
       Our job is to punctiliously observe the   above Midrash in at least two different   Torah. We must be a part of creating
       commandments and fervently pray for   contexts. In 1906, Rav Kook wrote a   the utopian society that we want to live
       redemption. G-d will then see that we   public letter in which he urged Jews   within.
       are worthy of redemption and He alone   living in the diaspora to immigrate to
                                            the Land of Israel. After describing the
       will send Mashiach to redeem us.                                          May  we  merit  to  partner  with  G-d
                                            virtues of living in the Land and the his-  towards  the  material  and  spiritual
       Rav Kook, however, taught a different   torical changes that made it an oppor-  redemption of the Jewish people, and
       approach. In his view, redemption is   tune time to make the move, Rav Kook   ultimately, the whole world.
       not solely something to be awarded   wrote: Who is so blind that he cannot see
       but a goal to be actively pursued. The   the hand of G-d that is guiding us, and
       prophecies regarding the ingathering   who does not feel a personal obligation   Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein  is  a faculty
       of the exiles and the establishment of a   to “act together with G-d” (Ma’amarei   member of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerusha-
       Jewish state normatively obligate us to   HaRe’iyah, p. 324).             layim and Yeshiva University.

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