Page 57 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5781 Australia
P. 57

Rabbi Binny Freedman

       Consider the importance of this Mid-
       rash. I can learn to become a more ethi-
       cal human being simply by studying the
       hairs on my forearm! After all, if every
       hair on my arm has its place, then how
       much more must I consider that every
       human being, and every event, however
       challenging, has a place in G-d’s plan.

       The Baal Shem Tov points out that we
       often make the mistake of missing the
       messages sent our way. If you see some-
       one desecrating Shabbat, do not assume   and being active partners in building a   Perhaps, like the metzora, we need to
       it is because you are meant to exhort   better world on the other?        take some time for introspection, to
       them on the error of their ways. Rather,                                  consider how best to find that balance.
       assume it is a message to you regarding   This question was at the root of a   It was only after the war they found
       an error of yours. Imagine if we really   controversy that remains a prominent   out what had really happened in Tzfat.
       lived life this way, struggling with what   social issue in Israel even today. If after   It seems the Arabs’ greatest fear was
       we need to fix in ourselves, instead of   2,000 years, G-d has decided it is time
       spending so much time figuring out   to bring us home, who are we to try and   the fact that most of the people behind
       what we need to fix in everybody else.   take it into our own hands? Maybe the   the development of America’s atomic
       What a different world it would be!  best thing for a young man or woman   bomb were Jewish (most notably Ein-
                                                                                 stein and Oppenheimer), and the Arabs
       On the other hand, if I took the time   to do is to be immersed in Torah and   had heard a little bit about acid rain. So
       to analyze every leaf, twig, insect, and   good deeds, and leave the destiny of the   they assumed the Jews had just set off
       sound that came my way, I would never   Jewish people (and the defense of the   an atomic bomb, and the rest is history!
       get to shul in the morning. Yet to ignore   Land of Israel) up to G-d?
       the many powerful messages that often                                     Every tour guide worth their salt will
       cross our path is to risk living a life of   Clearly, we need to be willing to trust   show their tourists this spot and with
       callousness and lose so many oppor-  in G-d that life will send us what we   a smile, ask the same question: was this
       tunities to grow as a person and as a   need to receive, as well as to be partners   a miracle? Or just a freak of nature? In
       society. How does one find the balance?   with G-d in making that happen. As   Tzfat, there are no miracles, because all
       And more: if everything is G-d-sent,   the Vilna Gaon suggests, faith without   of nature is miraculous, and miracles
       where is man’s role?                 hishtadlut is not really faith. It bespeaks   surround us every day…
       The Talmud (Sanhedrin 72a) states: אבה   a certain arrogance; who says I have
       וגרוהל םכשה ךגרוהל – If a person comes to   earned the right to have faith that G-d
       kill you, arise and kill him first. Indeed,   will help me? On the other hand, the
       when Abraham’s nephew Lot is cap-    assumption that I can do it all, and that
       tured by the five kings, he does not
       wait for G-d to perform miracles – he   it all depends on me, stems from this
       musters an army and saves Lot himself.   very same arrogance.             Rabbi Binny Friedman is the Rosh Yeshiva
       How are we to find this ever-elusive   Ultimately, once I have done my bit,   of Orayta.
       balance, trusting in G-d and recogniz-  then I have the right to believe that G-d,   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       ing his master-plan on the one hand,   in one way or another, will do His.

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