Page 193 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 193
ןנברמ אברוצ ןקזה תואפ תוכלה · 191
In the previous shiur, we dealt with the prohibition of cutting the pe’ot harosh; in this shiur we will continue
by discussing the other prohibition related to cutting one’s facial hair: pe’ot hazakan, cutting the pe’ot of the
beard while shaving.
The Source of the Prohibition
The Torah mentions the prohibition of shaving one’s beard in two separate verses.
t Vayikra 21:5 ה:אכ | ארקיו 1 .
They shall not make a bald spot on their heads, nor shave the ּוח ֵּ ל ַ גְי אלֹ םָנ ָ קְז ת ַ א ְ פּו ם ָ ׁשאֹר ְּ ב ה ָ ח ְ ר ָ ק ּוח ְ ר ְ קִי אֽלֹ
edge of their beards, and in their flesh they shall not make a :ת ֶ ט ָֽ ר ָ ׂש ּוט ְ ר ְ ׂשִי אלֹ ם ָ ר ָ ׂש ְ ב ִ בּו
t Vayikra 19:27 זכ:טי | ארקיו 2 .
You shall not round the edge of your head, and you shall not ת ַ א ְּ פ ת ֵ א תי ִ ח ְ ׁש ַ ת אלֹ ְ ו ם ֶ כ ְ ׁשאֹר ת ַ א ְּ פ ּופ ִּ ק ַ ת אלֹ
destroy the edge of your beard. :ךֶֽנ ָ קְז
In referring to the pe’ot of the beard, the Torah in Parshat Emor (source 1) prohibits “giluach”– shaving one’s
beard, while in Parshat Kedoshim (source 2), the Torah uses the term “hashchata” – destroying one’s beard.
The Gemara derives from here that only shaving in a manner of destruction is prohibited, i.e., shaving with
a razor.
h Mishna, Masechet Makkot 3:5 ה:ג תוכמ תכסמ | הנשמ 3 .
One who balds his head, one who cuts the [hair] encircling ושאר תאפ ףיקמהו ושארב החרק חרוקה
the corners of his head, or one who destroys the corners of דע בייח וניאו …בייח …ונקז תאפ תיחשמהו
his beard… he is liable… And he is liable only for taking …רעתב ונלטיש
them off with a razor…
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