Page 242 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 242

240 · Hilchot Shiluach HaKein                                      Tzurba M’Rabanan

        Shiluach Hakein come and push off the positive  Gemara this way:
        mitzva of תרעבו?  He answers by explaining that   Meaning, [the question in the Gemara is ask-
        the mitzva of תרעבו carries more weight than that   ing] do the lower row of eggs create a separa-
        of  Shiluach Hakein  because there is no choice   tion before the mitzva of Shiluach Hakein [is in
        about תרעבו, while concerning Shiluach Hakein   effect], for it wouldn’t be a separation, it would
        the individual doesn’t have to perform the mitz-  be forbidden to take the eggs until he sends the
        va if he’s not interested in the eggs/chicks. From   mother away, as we explain later.
        the Ran we see quite clearly that the mitzva is a          8
        mitzva kiyumit – a mitzva that is performed on a   R. Yair Bacharach  understood that the ap-
                                                  proach of Tosafot and Rashi implies that one can
        voluntary basis, where if one puts oneself in a cer-  choose whether or not to perform the mitzva or
        tain circumstance the mitzva must be performed,   not, for if this was not the case, one would be ob-
        but where there is no obligation on the person to   ligated to perform the mitzva on the first row of
        perform the mitzva.                       eggs, and the problem would be moot.
          Another  Gemara  can  help  us  to  clarify  the   It seems clear from these two Gemarot and the
        issue further. The Gemara in Chullin (140b) asks   Rishonim that the mitzva of Shiluach Hakein is a
        a series of questions about Shiluach Hakein:  mitzva kiyumit, and need only be fulfilled when
          Asked  R.  Yirmiyah:  A  cloth  that  you  spread   one wants the eggs or the chicks. Many Acha-
          [over a nest], does it make a separation [that   ronim agree with this conclusion. The  Pitchei
          would separate between the eggs and the bird   Teshuva (YD 292) writes that it’s not a clear ob-
          and therefore enable one to take the eggs with-  ligation and there’s no bitul aseh for not perform-
          out performing Shiluach Hakein]? Do feathers   ing  Shiluach Hakein, though similar to  tzitzit,
          make a separation? Do irregular (i.e. non-fer-  one who doesn’t perform the mitzva given the
          tile) eggs make a separation? Do two rows of   opportunity is not completely protected in a time
          eggs one on top of the other make a separa-  of trouble.
          tion? Does a male bird [which isn’t part of the   The Chatam Sofer (OC 1:100) connects the
          chiyuv of Shiluach Hakein] with a female bird   discussion here to that regarding another aspect
          on top of him make a separation? Undecided.  of the nature of the mitzva of Shiluach Hakein – is
                                                  it a mitzvat aseh in and of itself, or a lav hanitak
        In Rashi’s (s.v. mahu she’yachutzu) explanation of  l’aseh (a positive commandment that comes to re-
        the Gemara he writes:                     pair a transgression ). He writes that if one holds
          Two rows of fertile eggs one on top of the   like R. Yehuda that it’s a mitsvat aseh in and of it-
          other what’s the din? If he only wants the bot-  self to send the mother bird away, this seems to
          tom eggs, do the top eggs create a barrier   be the case whether or not one wants the birds –
          which would exempt him from sending away   in any event one must perform the mitzva. How-
          the mother bird, or not?                ever, if one holds like the Rabbanan that Shilu-
                                                  ach Hakein is a lav hanitak l’aseh, then the mitzva
        Tosafot (s.v. sh’nei sidrei betzim) also explains the  is a mitzva kiyumit that one performs only in an

        7.  Devarim 13:6: ןמ ךחידהל םידבע תיבמ ךדפהו םירצמ ץראמ םכתא איצומה םכיקולא ’ה לע הרס רבד יכ תמוי אוהה םולחה םלח וא אוהה איבנהו
           ךברקמ ערה תרעבו הב תכלל ךיקולא ’ה ךוצ רשא ךרדה:
        8.  Chavot Yair 67
        9.   A classic mitzva kiyumit
        10.   For a further discussion of השעל קתינה ואל see Makkot 15a, She’egat Aryeh Siman 81

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