Page 241 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 241

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                     ןקה חוליש תוכלה · 239

          I know [this is the din] in pits, trenches and  only in effect when the nest is happened upon by
          caves? The Torah writes “or on the ground.”  chance, or at the very least in a place where it is
          And now that we have included all these var-  not under human control.
          ious things [in our drasha of] the pasuk, why
          does the Torah write “before you on the road”?   If you Find a Bird’s Nest, Do you have to
          To tell you: Just as on the way it’s not in your   Perform the Mitzva? (Mitzva Chiyuvit/
          ownership, so must all nests [that you want to   Kiyumit)
          perform the mitzva] be out of your ownership.   The next question we must address is the chiyuv
          From here we learn that doves from the coop   to perform Shiluach Hakein. If one finds a nest,
          and from the attic that built their nests in parts   and doesn’t want the eggs or chicks, must one
          of the building that receded or jutted out, and   nevertheless send the bird away (mitzva chiyuvit)
          geese that nest in orchards – one can perform   or is one only chayav to perform the mitzva if one
          the mitzva with them, but if they nested inside   wants the eggs or chicks (mitzva kiyumit)?
          the house, and similarly Herodian doves, one   In order to answer this question, we turn to
          cannot perform the mitzva with them.    the Gemara in Chullin (138b – 139a):

        The Gemara goes through each of the words of   By profane [birds] and not by sanctified
        the pasuk to identify the various dinim that per-  [birds]. Why not? For the pasuk says: “Send
        tain to the mitzva of Shiluach Hakein. Crucially,   away  the mother  bird”  – that  which  you  are
        the Gemara comes to the conclusion that one has   obligated to send, and not that which you are
        no obligation to search for a nest with which to   not obligated to send, but rather to bring to the
        perform the mitzva; rather, if one happens upon   Temple treasurer.
        a nest, one can perform the mitzva.          Ravina said: Therefore, a bird which has killed
          The Smak (251) confirms the conclusion of   a human is exempt from the mitzva of Shilu-
        the Gemara and writes:                       ach Hakein. Why? The pasuk says to send that

          We taught in  Perek Shiluach Hakein that the   which you are obligated to send, not that which
          mitzva of  Shiluach Hakein is only practiced   you are not obligated to send but rather to bring
          when the nest is not prepared [for such a pur-  to the beit din. How would such a case happen?
          pose] but rather happens by chance.        If the bird’s din has been decided already, it’s
                                                     chayav mitah! Rather, the case is where the din
        This conclusion is also confirmed by the Rif  and   hasn’t been decided and he needs to take the
        the  Rosh,   who both quote the Gemara as it’s   bird to the beit din to fulfil the mitzva of “And
        written. The Ran  and the Meiri  also write that   you should remove the evil from within your
        the mitzva is only practiced when one happens   midst.”
        upon a nest by chance, not when the nest is pre-
        pared and waiting for the mitzva.         Based on this Gemara, the  Ran  (Chidushei
          As we have seen, the Gemara and the Rishon-  HaRan, Chullin 139a) asks a question. Shouldn’t
        im overwhelmingly understand that the mitzva is  the positive and negative mitzvot associated with

        2.   We will explore in a later section whether or not one must perform the mitzva in such a circumstance.
        3.  Chullin 48a
        4.  Chullin 12:1
        5.  Chidushei HaRan, Chullin 139b
        6.  Beit HaBechira, Chullin 139b

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