Page 283 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 283

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳א רדסה ליל תוכלה · 281


        The Seder night is a unique annual experience whereby we not only remember the Exodus from Egypt,
        but also relive it. This experience is designed to strengthen our belief that Hashem protects us throughout
        history from those who oppress us. It also serves as an opportunity to thank Him for transforming us into His
        chosen people.
        Due to the importance of this evening, it is quite understandable that there are numerous halachot associated
        with the different steps of the Seder, many of which we will review in these two shiurim.
        The Seder night consists of four general sections:
        1.  Kiddush and other introductory steps
        2.  Maggid [the telling of the story of the Exodus]
        3.  The mitzvot of eating [Matza, Maror, Korech, Shulchan Orech]
        4.  Hallel
        The four cups of wine divide the evening into these four sections: We make Kiddush on the first cup, we tell
        the story of the Exodus over the second cup, we drink the third cup after we have eaten, and we recite Hallel
        over the fourth cup. This division is outlined by the Rambam in the Mishneh Torah:

        r     Rambam, Hilchot Chametz Umatza 7:10             י:ז הצמו ץמח ׳לה | ם”במר    1 .
        Regarding each of the four cups, one recites a separate beracha.   וילע ךרבמ ולאה תוסוכ העבראמ סוכו סוכ לכ
        One recites Kiddush over the first cup, one reads the Haggada   וילע  רמוא  ןושאר  סוכו  ,המצע  ינפב  הכרב
        over the second cup, one recites birkat hamazon over the third    ,הדגהה תא וילע ארוק ינש סוכ ,םויה שודק
        cup, and one completes the Hallel over the fourth cup and    יעיבר סוכ ,ןוזמה תכרב וילע ךרבמ ישילש סוכ
        recites Birkat Hashir.  Between these cups, if one wishes to    ,רישה תכרב וילע ךרבמו ללהה תא וילע רמוג
        drink [another cup of wine] one may drink; but between the    ןיב התוש תותשל הצר םא ולאה תוסוכה ןיבו
        third and fourth [cup] one may not drink.
                                                                       .התוש וניא יעיברל ישילש

        1.  Birkat Hashir refers either to the paragraph known as “nishmat” or the one called “yehalelucha” (based on the dispute in the Gemara Pesachim
           118a), both of which are recited today following Hallel at the Seder. [Addition of the editors of the English edition]

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