Page 285 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 285

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳א רדסה ליל תוכלה · 283

        r     Rashi, Masechet Pesachim 99b                     :טצ םיחספ תכסמ | י”שר     4 .

        The four cups – These are parallel to the four   םירומאה  הלואג  ינושל  העברא  דגנכ  –  תוסוכ  עברא
        expressions of redemption that are stated regarding   יתלאגו םכתא יתלצהו םכתא יתאצוהו םירצמ תולגב
        the exile of Egypt: “I will bring you out, and I will save   2 .אראו תשרפב םכתא יתחקלו םכתא
        you, and I will redeem you, and I will take you,” as
        found in Parshat Va’era (Shemot 6:6-7).

                                            FURTHER IYUN
                       For a discussion on the custom of the fifth cup in halacha and hashkafa, see page 310.

                             How Much Wine Must One Drink?

        With regard to a standard kos shel beracha (cup of wine upon which a mitzva is performed) such as Kiddush,
        one must drink a minimum amount of a melo lugmav, or cheek-full, defined as the amount of wine with
        which one can fill one side of the cheek (usually around 50-55 cc). This is based on the Gemara’s statement
        (Pesachim 107a): “One who recites Kiddush and drinks a cheek-full has fulfilled his obligation, but less than
        that he hasn’t fulfilled his obligation.” However, regarding the four cups of wine on the Seder night, the
        Gemara states that one must drink the majority of the cup.

        h    Masechet Pesachim 108b                                  :חק םיחספ תכסמ      5 .

        Rav Nachman Bar Yitzchak stated: And this is only   .אסכד אבור יתשאד אוהו :קחצי רב ןמחנ בר רמא
        where he drank the majority of the cup.

        The Rishonim dispute the meaning of this phrase. According to Tosafot, one need only drink a cheek-full
        of the four cups, just like concerning a standard Kiddush. The Gemara used the phrase “the majority of the
        cup” to refer to the majority of a revi’it (one-fourth of a log), which is actually a cheek-full (the Gemara was
        referring to a standard cup that holds a revi’it). However, even if the volume of the cup is much greater, this
        opinion holds that one need only drink a cheek-full.

        r     Tosafot, Masechet Pesachim 108b               :חק םיחספ תכסמ | תופסות      6 .
        The majority of the cup – Meaning a cheek-full, as   ליעל  תישירפדכ  וימגול  אלמכ  ונייה  –  אסכד  אבור
        was explained earlier. However,  lechatchila (ideally)   .תיעיבר תותשל ךירצ הליחתכל והימו
        one should drink an entire revi’it.

        2.   Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach asks: It is understandable why we drink four cups, but why must such a cup consist specifically of wine? He answers
           that wine is unique in that the more aged it is, the better it becomes. Similarly, during each stage of the redemption, we will achieve even greater
           heights than the previous one, concluding with the final stage of “I will take you to me for as a nation.”

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