Page 290 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 290

288 · Hilchot Leil Haseder I                                       Tzurba M’Rabanan

        The Shulchan Aruch rules that one must recline even today and describes the proper way to do so. If one
        does not do so, he rules that one has not fulfilled one’s obligation, and must fulfill the mitzva in question
        again. For Sefardim, this ruling applies to all four cups of wine, while for Ashkenazim this is true for the first
        two cups only.

        a    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 472:3, 7                ז ,ג:בעת ח״וא | ע״וש   . 16
        3)  Shulchan Aruch: When one reclines, one should not lean   לע אלו ובג לע הטי אל בסימ אוהשכ )ג
        backwards nor forwards, not to one’s right; rather to one’s left.  .ולאמש לע אלא ,ונימי לע אלו וינפ
        Rema: And there is no distinction between a left-handed person   )רחאל רטא ןיב קוליח ןיאו(
        and another [i.e., right-handed person].
                                                             התש וא לכא םא ,הביסה ךירצש ימ לכ )ז
        7) Shulchan Aruch: Regarding one who is obligated to recline, if he    לוכאל רוזחל ךירצו ,אצי אל הביסה אלב
        ate or drank without reclining he has not fulfilled his obligation and   .הביסהב תותשלו
        needs to repeat eating and drinking while reclining.
                                                             ךרד ןיאד ,הזה ןמזבד םירמוא שיו :הגה
        Rema: Some say that in today’s times, where it is not the norm to
        recline, we may rely on the Ra’avyah in that after the fact, one has    וילע  ךומסל  ה”יבאר  אוה  יאדכ  ,בסהל
        fulfilled one’s obligation without reclining. And it seems to me that    םא יל הארנו .הביסה אלב אצי דבעידבש
        if one didn’t drink the third or fourth cup while reclining, he    ,הביסהב יעיבר וא ישילש סוכ התש אל
        shouldn’t drink again while reclining, as there is a concern that   ששח וב שיד הביסהב תותשלו רוזחל ןיא
        it seems that one is adding to the cups. But for the first two cups,   ינשב  לבא  ;תוסוכה  לע  ףיסומכ  הארנש
        one drinks them again without a beracha, and similarly regarding   אלב  התשיו  רוזחי  ,תונושאר  תוסוכ
        eating matza. Lechatchila, one should recline for the entire meal.   בסי הלחתכלו .הצמ תליכאב ןכו ,הכרב
                                                                                 .הדועסה לכ

        Regarding women’s obligation to recline, the Shulchan Aruch and Rema rules as follows:

        a    Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim 472:4                     ד:בעת ח״וא | ע״וש   . 17
        A woman does not need to recline unless she is prominent.   איה כ”א אלא הביסה הכירצ הניא השא
        Rema: All of our women are considered prominent, but they do not             .הבושח
        have the custom to recline, as they rely on the words of the Ra’avyah    ךא ,תובושח ירקימ ונלש םישנה לכו :הגה
        who writes that in contemporary times one does not recline.   ה”יבאר ירבד לע וכמס יכ בסהל וגהנ אל
                                                                      .בסהל ןיא הזה ןמזבד בתכד

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