Page 293 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 293

ןנברמ אברוצ                                                    ׳א רדסה ליל תוכלה · 291


        Once everyone has washed their hands, the Seder continues with the eating of the Karpas vegetable, as
        described by the Mishna.

        h    Masechet Pesachim 114a                                 .דיק םיחספ תכסמ    . 21
        MISHNA: The attendants brought vegetables before the   יוהילד  יכיה  יכ  …תרזחב  לבטמ  וינפל  ואיבה
        leader of the Seder prior to the meal, if there were no other        תוקוניתל אריכיה
        vegetables on the table. He dips the chazeret into water or
        vinegar… so that there be a conspicuous distinction for
        the children.

                                 How Much Karpas is Eaten?

        According to the Rambam, one must eat a kezayit of Karpas, as eating an amount less than a kezayit is not
        considered significant in halacha. This is the ruling of the Bach (Siman 473) and the Gra (Ma’aseh Rav 187)
        as well.

        r     Rambam, Hilchot Chametz Umatza 8:2           ב:ח הצמו ץמח ׳לה | ם”במר    . 22
        One begins by reciting the  beracha of  borei pri ha’adama   קרי  חקולו  המדאה  ירפ  ארוב  ךרבמו  ליחתמ
        and then takes a vegetable and dips it in charoset and eats   לכו  אוה  תיזכ  לכואו  תסורחב  ותוא  לבטמו
        a kezayit; he as well as all the people sitting with him, each    תוחפ  לכוא  ןיא  דחאו  דחא  לכ  ומע  ןיבוסמה
        person must not eat less than a kezayit.                                     .תיזכמ

        However, the Rosh and the Rashba hold that one need not eat a kezayit, since the purpose of Karpas is only
        to pique the children’s interest, as stated in the Mishna above.

        r     Rosh, Masechet Pesachim 10:25                 הכ:י םיחספ תכסמ | ש”אר     . 23

        …Because when reciting the beracha of “al achilat maror” (on   לכאיש  ךירצ  רורמ  תליכא  לע  ךרבמד  םושמ
        eating maror), one needs to eat a kezayit, as it is not defined   תוקריב  לבא  תיזכמ  תוחפב  הליכא  ןיאד  תיזכ
        as eating with less than a kezayit. However, concerning the    ןיאו אמלעב א”הפב ןהילע ךרבמש תונושארה
        vegetables [that one eats] earlier and upon which one recites   .תיזכ םהמ ךירצ ןיא הליכא םהילע ןיריכזמ
        borei pri ha’adama but does not mention eating, one does
        not need [to eat] a kezayit.

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