Page 317 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 317
ןנברמ אברוצ ׳א רדסה ליל תוכלה · 315
was with the Chatam Sofer, the cup for Eliyahu higher level of redemption than yetziat mitzray-
stood raised above all the other cups, but no one im. For although Hashem is above the Heavens,
ever drank from it. The Ya’avetz’s custom was to He still cares for each creature, giving them the
leave it out covered over the entire night, and in sustenance they need. This care for each individ-
the morning to make Kiddush over it to fulfill the ual, explains the Maharal, is a more complete re-
dictum of the Sages that since we have fulfilled demption and is signified by the fifth cup. This is
one mitzva with it, we should use it for another. also the theme of Hallel Hagadol, which on the
Evidently, the Chatam Sofer never drank the one hand describes G-d’s loftiness, yet also states,
fifth cup at all, while the Ya’avetz would only “He gives bread to all his creatures.” The final re-
drink from it in the morning after reciting Kid- demption according to the Maharal will remove
dush over it. Perhaps the Chatam Sofer held like any deficiencies that we have.
the Netziv that the fifth cup represents the final Rav Shaar Yashuv HaKohen in his introduc-
redemption and prophecy, and therefore would tion to the sefer zikaron for his father, Rav David
not drink from the cup at all, until the arrival of HaKohen (known as “The Nazir”), recalls that
Eliyahu HaNavi and the renewal of prophecy. his father, who waited for the return of prophecy
However, the Divrei Yetziv states in the name all his life, said that this is the secret of the fifth
of the Rokeach that we pour the fifth cup, re- cup, and when prophecy returns, we will once
cite Hallel Hagadol, and drink the fifth cup with- again have the custom to drink the fifth cup.
out leaning. He adds in the name of the Manhig
that the fifth cup is parallel to the expression “and
I will bring you into the land” and is connected
to the land. The Divrei Yetziv concludes with
the words of the Ra’avad that “there is definite-
ly what to rely on concerning this custom from
the words of Rabbi Tarfon, and it is a mitzva to
do as he says, and they have already connected
this cup to the expression of v’heveiti. And even
the Tanna Kamma stated that one cannot drink
less than four cups but regarding adding a cup, he
did not say that it is prohibited.” It seems that the
Divrei Yetziv holds that one can and even should
drink the fifth cup.
Concluding Thoughts
The Maharal explains that the fifth cup focus-
es on parnasa (sustenance), which is an even
31. Responsa Divrei Yetziv, O.C. 207 and 212
32. Rokeach, Siman 283
33. Sefer HaManhig, Siman 51
34. This is also the opinion of the Ra’avad in his Hasagot on the Rif, as opposed to the Netziv who connected it to prophecy.
35. Ibid.
36. Maharal, Sefer Gevurot Hashem, Siman 65
37. Introduction to the book “Ish ki Yafli”
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