Page 56 - Tzurba M'Rabanan Volume1
P. 56

54 · Hilchot Avoda Zara Ii                                         Tzurba M’Rabanan

        Israel up from the land of Egypt, but rather: As G-d lives, who   ץראמ לארשי ינב תא איבה רשאו הלעה
        lifted up and brought the children of Israel from the land of the   םיארקנש םשב םישדחה ארקל ונרזח ,ןופצ
        North,” was fulfilled, we changed to calling the months by their    םשמו  ונדמע  םש  יכ  ריכזהל  ,לבב  ץראב
        Babylonian names, to recall that “there we stood and from               …י”שה ונלעה
        there G-d brought us up”…

        The poskim dispute whether there is a prohibition to use the secular date. The Chatam Sofer writes that it
        is clear from this passage in the Ramban that one who uses secular dates should be rebuked. Moreover, the
        Maharam Schick, a student of the Chatam Sofer, writes that there is a Torah violation to use the secular date.

        a    Responsa Maraham Schick, Yoreh Deah 171                | קיש ם"רהמ ת"וש    3 .
        I received his letter in which I was asked regarding a tombstone     אעק ד״וי
        that someone erected against the will of the chevra kadisha (group    תחא הבצמ ד”ע יתלאשנ ובו יתלבק ובתכמ
        that prepares the deceased for burial) administrators, where the    ארבחד  םיאבגה  ןוצר  אלב  שיא  דימעהש
        tombstone was written in a foreign language and the date was    ןושלב  תבתכנ  אוהה  הבצמהו  אשידק
        [engraved]  according  to  the  system  which  the  gentiles  count
        based on the “Christian” [calendar]. His honor asked whether    ומכ  ןפואב  אוה  הנשה  טרפ  םגו  ם”וכע
        they may leave the tombstone there [as is], or whether to cover it    ותלעמ  לאשו  ירצונהל  םינומ  ע”הואהש
        with cement, especially the Christian date written in it, or perhaps    וא  םש  אוהה  הבצמה  חינהל  ןיאשר  םא
        to dispose of the tombstone… all this I wrote regarding the issue   ןמזה וב בותכש המ טרפב טיטב וחוטל םא
        of them changing the language (against the will of the gabbaim)   …הצוחה הבצמה תא ךילשהל וא ירצונהל
        to the vernacular, but what they did further by writing the date   יונישש המ רבדה ףוג לע יתבתכ הז לכ הנהו
        like the new [generation] according to the secular calendar, this   ושעש המ לבא ז”על ןושלל הבצמה ןושל
        is a double transgression. For this calendar is not aligned with the    םישדחה ךרדכ םינשה רפסמ ובתכש דוע
        calendar of Bnei Yisrael, and that which they concluded with    תלפוכמו הלופכ הריבע הז ז”על ןושלב כ”ג
        the year of the Christian [calculation]; is in my view a Torah    םינווכמ  םניא  םהלש  םישדחה  רפסמד
        violation. For it is written in the Torah in  Parshat  Mishpatim,
        “the names of other gods you shall not mention,” and the Sages    םינשה  רפסמב  ומייסש  המו  י”ב  רפסמל
        stated, and the poskim have written likewise, that it is forbidden    אתיירואד רוסיא הז יתעדל ירצונה רפסמל
        for one to say to another, “wait for me by a certain idol.” The fact    םשו  רמאנ  םיטפשמ  ’פב  הרותב  ירהש
        that the Torah uses the causative verb, tazkiru [lit. you shall cause   ןכו םימכח ורמאו וריכזת אל םירחא םיקלא
        them to mention], implies that the prohibition applies even if one   ןתמה וריבחל רמול רוסאד םיקסופה ובתכ
        doesn’t mention the name of the idol explicitly. And it appears   ליעפה  ןושלב  טקנדמו  ’ינולפ  ז”ע  דצב  יל
        in my humble opinion that one who counts according to their   שממ  ריכזמ  וניא  וליפאש  עמשמ  וריכזת
        calculation [i.e., based on the birth of that man] transgresses    הארנ ’רפסמב הנומהו רוסיא ללכב אוה כ”ג
        this violation of “the name of other gods you shall not    םשו  לע  אוהה  רוסיאב  רבועד  ד”נע  יפל
        mention.” For the verb “mention” applies both by mentioning it    וריכזתד  יהנד  וריכזת  אל  םירחא  םיקלא
        orally and in print, as the Minchat Chinuch writes, nevertheless
        since by mentioning their date it evokes certain thoughts, it    תחנמה ’כש יאמ יפל בתכב וא הפב ונייה
        appears that it is forbidden. For one should go after the reason    ןורכזה לע הלוע ןינמה י”עד ןויכ מ”מ ךוניח
        of the Torah law concerning not mentioning the name, and he    אמעט  רתב  ליזד  רוסאד  הארנ  הבשחמ
        has also caused an [additional] prohibition that in this way, the   לע עמשי אלד ז”פו ו”פ ’יס ךוניחה ש”מכ
        time  [i.e.,  the  years]  since the  idol  is  mentioned…  therefore,   לש  ןמז  רכזינ  ז”יעש  רוסא  םרג  םגו  ךיפ
        [concerning] people who are walking in the cemetery and read  תורבקה לע םיכלוהה םדא ינב כ”או :ז”ע

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