Page 11 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 11
An Introduction by Rabbi Aron White
In July 2021, a movie called Agadat HaChurban premiered a secular Jew. “I want it to ring an alarm bell, for people
in Israel, depicting the destruction of Yerushalayim and to be aware – we have been destroyed in this land twice,
the Beit HaMikdash by the Roman Empire. The movie and we need to understand why.”
vividly portrays the social and political divisions that
gripped Jewish society at that time; between various While this rang true two years ago, the events of the
past six months have made this conversation even more
rebel groups, between the wealthy and poor, and between urgent. Even by the tumultuous standards of Israeli
religious and secular leaders. Torn apart in so many
ways, the Jewish people didn’t stand a chance against politics, the first half of 2023 will be remembered as a
uniquely fraught period in Israeli history. Hundreds of
the mighty Roman Empire.
thousands of Israelis have protested on the streets, both
In a remarkable cinematic feat, the movie is made up against and for the judicial reform, in the largest consti-
solely of 1,500 unanimated stills with voiceover, yet the tutional debate in Israel for decades. Tensions between
action and drama of the story are so compelling that I secular and religious communities, especially the Charei-
nevertheless found myself deeply absorbed in the film. dim, have reached a fever pitch. At times, the acrimony
In one of the most gripping and tragic scenes in the has been overwhelming, sadly clouding the celebrations
movie, rival Jewish groups with different strategies for of Israel’s 75th birthday. Is Israel repeating the tragedy
how to fight the Romans burn the grain storehouses that led to the destruction of the second Beit HaMikdash?
of their rivals, bringing famine and starvation to the In this edition of HaMizrachi, we explore some of the indi-
entire populace of Yerushalayim. Watching the movie, I viduals and movements who are seeking to change this
understood the famous statement of Chazal that baseless picture. From rabbis seeking to bridge the gaps, to singers
hatred destroyed the Temple in a far more tangible way.
The rabbis were not only making a moral statement, but like Ishay Ribo and Aviv Geffen, many people are working
to promote understanding and connection instead of
also a clear-eyed assessment of the historic and political division and hatred. Just as we were 2,000 years ago, the
realities of their times. Jewish infighting weakened our Jewish people of Israel are a diverse and complicated
people from within, allowing the Romans to destroy us nation of tribes, each with their own perspective. But as
from without.
Rav Kook said, we can only heal the rifts in Israeli society
The release of this movie in a modern Israeli context, in by replacing baseless hatred with baseless love. May we
a reborn Jewish polity, was no accident. “I want this to succeed in that mission, and do our part to bring the final
have an impact on Israeli culture,” said director Gidi Dar, redemption one step closer. (PHOTO: AMIR TERKEL/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)
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