Page 6 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 6


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      Integration Challenges               The Right and Wrong Ways to Encourage   I would advise those who encourage Aliyah
      I WAS INSPIRED by HaMizrachi’s interview   Aliyah                         to not assume that those of us still living in
                                                                                the Diaspora are just looking for excuses and
      with Rabbi Larry Rothwachs (“Building a   I LOVED THE article by Rabbi Elie Mischel   are too comfortable. The obstacles are very
      Diaspora Style Community in Israel”, Vol.   about how to encourage people to make   real and not to be dismissed.
      6, No. 1) about his plans to make Aliyah and   Aliyah without being discouraging (“The
      become the Rav of Meromei Shemesh. Be’ez-  Right and Wrong Ways to Encourage Aliyah”,   Thank you for understanding the challenges
      rat Hashem, many families will join him.                                  of Aliyah – and for a wonderful magazine
                                           Vol. 6, No. 1). Making Aliyah is not an easy   that gives me hope every time. May Hashem
      As an oleh and as someone who has been   thing to do, even under the best of circum-  bring us all home very soon!
      working with olim for much of my life, I   stances. It’s not as simple as “book your
      understand that olim need a soft landing   plane ticket, pack, and go.” There’s a lot of   Meira E. Schneider-Atik
      spot in Israel. Having a supportive commu-  paperwork and other things to do before you   Queens, New York, USA
      nity and an easier social adjustment make   book your plane ticket and pack. And many
      a big difference. At the same time, however,   of us are not in the best of circumstances.   Teach Your Parents Well
      this can create challenges.                                               I ENJOY EACH issue of HaMizrachi, and you
                                           The most common obstacle is money. Many
      One of the main challenges of Aliyah is inte-  of us are worried about how to pay the costs   are doing a great job bringing important,
      gration, an issue that was not mentioned in   of moving and how we’ll manage once we   relevant, interesting and “old” new material
      the interview. As we see in existing commu-  get home. Most olim do not have jobs waiting   to our community. That said, I think your
      nities with a mainly Anglo population, like   for them when they get off the plane. Many   essay, “Teach Your Parents Well” (Vol. 5, No.
      Chashmonaim, Modi’in, and Efrat, young                                    9), about parents who discourage their chil-
      olim in these communities find it difficult to   of us also have debts from student loans and   dren from making Aliyah after their gap year,
      integrate socially with the local Israeli popu-  mortgages. As one Nefesh B’Nefesh advisor   missed a few important elements.
      lation. This separation can lead to a lack of a   told a friend of mine, “Eretz Yisrael is not a   Many of us were only able to make Aliyah due
      sense of belonging, behavioral issues, mental   place to run away from debt.”   to our parents’ financial sacrifice. We made
      health challenges, and even, occasionally,   Another common obstacle is health. There   Aliyah not despite our parents but rather
      resentment towards Israel.           are those who would love to make Aliyah   because of our parents. They sacrificed to pay
      Many of these language barriers and cul-  but who have health issues that make   for many years of excellent Jewish educa-
      tural barriers can only be broken down   it difficult to leave, or who are caring for   tion that instilled a love of Israel in us. Many
      when young olim share key experiences with   relatives who have health problems. And   people I know have only been able to move
      native Israelis, experiences that I’m afraid   many people want to make Aliyah but do   to Israel through their parents’ generous
      the families of Meromei Shemesh won’t have   not want to leave their grown children and   financial support over decades of their lives.
      unless a proper plan is put into place. A good   grandchildren behind.    Also, not every parent has the financial
      ulpan is not enough.
                                           It’s frustrating to hear people who dismiss   wherewithal to fly regularly to Israel or fund
      I urge World Mizrachi to address this critical   these obstacles as “first world issues” and   their children’s visits to America. For these
      issue, alongside other organizations serving   compare them to the obstacles faced by refu-  families, a child’s Aliyah requires a great
      olim, like Bnei Akiva, NCSY Israel and OU   gees who came to Israel with only their lives   sacrifice, as the parents will not have the
      Israel.                              and the clothing on their backs. Someone   opportunity to frequently see their children
      Etan Zivan                           once said to me that she has no sympathy   and grandchildren.
      Founder and Director, Ruach HaNegev  for people like me after meeting refugees.   Aharon Ginsberg
      Retamim, Israel                      How does that help?                  Beit Shemesh, Israel

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