Page 22 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 22

Unity at 40,000 Feet

                                            Rabbi Yehoshua Fass

                                                                                would reconnect people to mitzvot and lead
                                                                                them to Yerushalayim. This implies that
                                                                                adherence and observance to mitzvot are
                                                                                the means to a glorious geulah.
                                            world, the unity of the chartered Aliyah
                                            flight seems otherworldly.          But one cannot ignore the powerful lit-
                                                                                erary allusion to an ingathering that will
                 ver the past 20 years, I’ve had   Megillat Eicha focuses on the collective   occur on a kanaf, on wings, just as Hashem
                 the incredible privilege of   suffering of the Jewish people after the   redeemed us from Egypt םי ִר ָ ׁשְנ י ֵפ ְנ ַּ כ־ל ַע, “on
                 personally witnessing nearly   destruction of Jerusalem. The theme of   eagle’s wings” (Shemot 19:4).
        O80,000 North American Jews         shared suffering emphasizes the unity of
        fulfill their dreams of making Aliyah. I have   the community, as everyone is affected   Perhaps Zechariah’s imagery of wings and
        been inspired by their exceptional stories   by the tragedy. In the aftermath of the   “flying home” is not describing the culmi-
        and their powerful connection to the Land   destruction of Jerusalem, everyone is in   nation of redemption but rather the catalyst
        of Israel. From Holocaust survivors to high   a state of mourning, creating a sense of   for our redemption. Maybe, just maybe,
        school graduates planning to volunteer in   unity as people gather together to grieve   there is something that we, as a people,
        Sherut Leumi and the IDF – each and every   the loss of their precious city and way of   need to learn from those flying home that
        story is a stunning expression of the fulfill-  life.                   can inspire us to be better and do better.
        ment of millennia of prayers, our longing                               The harmony our olim experience on their
        to return to our ancestral homeland and   This feeling persists even today, with our
        the modern-day ingathering miracle of   collective reactions to terrorism, wars,   Aliyah flights is the secret to positive and
                                                                                long lasting Jewish unity. United in faith
        kibbutz galuyot.                    and antisemitic acts. The shared struggle
                                            against our oppressors engenders unity   and action, olim remind all of Israel that
        Over the last two decades, some of my   and solidarity as we work together to   despite our differences, we are one people
        most fulfilling and treasured moments   resist our common enemies. However,   united by an awesome redemptive vision
        have come while accompanying every   this unity is fleeting, dissipating when the   – a vision that must always remain at the
        one of our 63 charter Aliyah flights. Flying   threat wanes. How tragic that we are only   forefront of our consciousness.
        with 250 new olim imparts a jolt of energy   unified in times of danger and oppression!
        that is hard to describe, and I find myself                             This unity at 40,000 ft. can create a con-
        unable to sleep or even sit still in my seat.   How is it possible to bind  Am Yisrael   tagious sense of unity among all of Am
        I use the time to walk through the aisles   together through positive means?  Yisrael. By emphasizing our shared des-
        to speak with the new olim during these   The prophet Zechariah, who lived during   tiny even after the plane touches down
        incredibly intense moments of anticipa-  the time of Shivat Zion, the first ingathering   in the sweltering summer heat, olim can
        tion while absorbing the extraordinary   of the exiles from Babylonia, prophesied:  become our ambassadors of unity, sharing
        mosaic of our nation.                                                   the achdut of Aliyah with the entire nation.
                                             ה ָר ָש ֲע ּוקי ִז ֲחַי ר ֶ ׁש ֲא ה ָּ מ ֵה ָה םי ִמָּי ַּ ב תֹוק ָב ְצ ‘ה ר ַמ ָא־הֹ ּ כ  May the hope, pride and unity of those
        On these flights you experience the true    י ִדּוהְי  ׁשי ִא ף ַנ ְכ ִּ ב ּוקי ִז ֱח ֶה ְו םִיֹוּג ַה תֹונ ׁש ְל לֹ ּ כ ִמ םי ִ ׁשָנ ֲא
        breadth of the Jewish community. Jews    .ם ֶכ ָּ מ ִע םי ִקל- ֱא ּונ ְע ַמ ָ ׁש י ִּ כ ם ֶכ ָּ מ ִע ה ָכ ְל ֵנ רמא ֵל  magical flights motivate us to transform
        from every walk of life, old and young,                                 our prayers into reality and bring a better
        religious and secular, Democrats and   “Thus said Hashem of Hosts: In those days,   and more unified tomorrow for us all.
        Republicans, Ashkenazim and Sephardim,   ten people from nations of every tongue
        all unified in their common dream of   will take hold – they will take hold of every
        returning to our ancestral home. For those   Jew by the corner and say, “Let us go with
        few hours, we gain a glimpse of an ideal,   you, for we have heard that G-d is with
        a taste of a unified people.        you” (Zechariah 8:23).
        Reflecting on these incredible moments, I   Zechariah implies that the ingathering of
        wonder if this type of unity is only possible   the exiles will occur by assembling a kanaf,
        at an altitude of 40,000 feet. With so much   literally a corner or a wing. The Malbim   Rabbi Yehoshua Fass
        divisiveness in the headlines and on social   comments that the word kanaf refers to   is the Co-Founder & Executive Director,
        media platforms, locally and around the   the tzitzit hanging from a tallit corner that   Nefesh B’Nefesh.

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