Page 23 - HaMizrachi Tisha bAv 5783 USA
P. 23

Help Plant Fruit Trees in Israel!
                                   This is the first summer Post Shmitta.

                           Help Israeli farmers who observed Shmitta plant

                                   thousands of fruit trees this summer.

                             Everyone who helps plant a tree receives an authentic certificate.

                                Use Promo code: “HaMizrachi” before Rosh Hashana

                                 and a matching donor will DOUBLE your trees FREE!

                                   Partner with a Holy Farmer

                            Share in the Mitzvah and Bracha!

                       “Zo Artzeinu is a Reliable Organization.                            Rav Shmuel Eliyahu
                      They have a good track record of planting                       Chief Rabbi of Tzfat planting
                           trees and keeping the Mitzvot"                            with Zo Artzeinu in the Shomron
                                 – Rabbi Berel Wein                                    helping settle the Holy Land.

                                       “ is appropriate that everyone partner with a farmer in Israel,
                                     and through this partnership HE KEEPS THESE MITZVOT AS WELL... 
                                    I therefore bless the efforts of Zo Artzeinu’s Tree Planting Campaign”
                                            – Rav Yaakov Ariel former Chief Rabbi of Ramat Gan
                                                President of the Torah VeHa’aretz Institute

                           See exciting videos and plant  your trees NOW! at

           Zo Artzeinu planted more FRUIT trees than any other organization in Israel!
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