Page 34 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5783 USA
P. 34

The True

                            Women’s Lobby

                                                  Sivan Rahav-Meir

                I  n the book of Bereishit there were   This is the description of two extraor-  midwives feared G-d, so they did not

                   matriarchs – Sarah, Rivka, Rachel,
                                                  dinary Hebrew women in Egypt. Their
                                                                                    do as the king of Egypt had spoken to
                   and Leah – who were singular
                                                  legacy is one of faith in G-d in the face
                                                                                    them, but they enabled the boys to live.”
                   women, unique in their generation.
                                                  age to resist conventional thinking and
                 What sort of generation came after   of a brutal dictator, having the cour-  In defiance of the Egyptian dictator, the
                                                                                    midwives did not kill the baby boys,
                 them? The book of Shemot introduces   behaviors, together with the willing-  and the Torah makes a point of telling
                 us to a generation that consists entirely   ness to take risks for the sake of the   us that these women made sure the
                 of powerful women. This is our first   next generation, to persist in living the   boys grew up strong by worrying about
                 encounter with a kind of Hebrew   Jewish way.                      and caring for them in secret. Unlike
                 wonder woman, who has assumed    Tzachi Michaeli shares a powerful per-  Pharaoh, Shifrah and Puah see reality
                 mythological proportions down    spective. These days we hear more and
                 through the ages:                                                  in a positive light – after all, Jewish
                                                  more about the “feminist lobby.” But   boys are being born! And everything
                 “Now the king of Egypt spoke to the   we need to be precise and acknowledge   that happens is because they remem-
                 Hebrew midwives, one who was named   that this lobby, that supposedly rep-  ber that Hashem, not Pharoah, is their
                 Shifrah, and the second, who was   resents half of our people, the female   true king. Rashi comments with a quote
                 named Puah. And he said, “When you   half, only raises its voice, like a shofar,   from Yechezkel (19:2): “How was your
                 deliver the Hebrew women, and you see   at events that protest the status of   mother a lioness!”, reminding us that
                 on the birthstool, if it is a son, you shall   women, as if their voice represents that   Israel is compared to a lioness. This is
                 put him to death, but if it is a daughter,   of all Jewish women.  the first women’s lobby: positive action,
                 she may live.” The midwives, however,   I think that the real women’s lobby was   faith, defiantly giving birth, and joy.
                 feared G-d; so they did not do as the   established in the story of the Exodus.
                 king of Egypt had spoken to them, but   Everything started there. For the first   Up until this point, our focus has been
                 they enabled the boys to live. So the   time, Israel receives the designation   exclusively on the midwives. But there
                 king of Egypt summoned the midwives   of ‘am’ or nation, albeit from Pharaoh.   are other members of the feminist
                 and said to them, “Why have you done   Among Pharaoh’s harsh decrees is an   lobby. Notice what we are told imme-
                 this thing, that you have enabled the   order for the Hebrew midwives to kill   diately afterwards: Amram marries
                 boys to live?” And the midwives said to   every Jewish boy at birth. How will the   Yocheved and Moshe is born. What does
                 Pharaoh, “Because the Hebrew women   women of this new nation, the nation   his mother do?
                 are not like the Egyptian women, for   of Israel, react?
                 they are skilled as midwives; when the                             “The woman conceived and bore a son,
                 midwife has not yet come to them, they   Shifrah and Puah, who are actually   and [when] she saw that he was good,
                 have [already] given birth.” G-d ben-  Yocheved and Miriam, are, in fact,   she hid him for three months. [When]
                 efited the midwives, and the people   the first representatives of the Jewish   she could no longer hide him, she took
                 multiplied and became very strong.   nation, that only now has taken shape   [for] him a reed basket, smeared it with
                 Now it took place when the midwives   in Egypt, to appear in the Torah.  clay and pitch, placed the child into it,
                 feared G-d, that He made houses for   And how is the uniqueness of these   and put [it] into the marsh at the Nile’s
                 them.” (Shemot 1:15–21)          righteous women expressed?  “The   edge (Shemot 2:2–3).

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