Page 33 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5783 USA
P. 33
First Fruits and Seder Night:
Giving and Gratitude
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon
o and learn what Lavan the Aramean demonstration of how to properly tell the and begins the description of the redemp-
wanted to do to our father Ya’akov. Exodus story as more than just a descrip- tion from the time of Ya’akov. One thanks
For Pharaoh had issued a decree tion of events that took place. G-d by examining the course of history of
G only against the male children, but the nation of Israel. This way, we under-
Lavan wanted to uproot everyone… One can add another reason: the com- stand that there is a Divine plan that
mandment of bringing one’s first fruits leads our nation, from the beginning of
Why do we expound on verses from to Yerushalayim expresses the attribute
Devarim (Chapter 26) and not from of gratitude. The person goes down to his our forefathers to the present day. Our
thanks are not only for the Exodus from
Shemot? field, looks at his crop, and knows that Egypt. The Exodus from Egypt is only
At first glance, it would seem that the everything is from G-d: “You shall rejoice an example of how G-d has helped Israel
book of Shemot would be the best way to with all the good that Hashem your G-d historically throughout the generations,
tell the story of the Exodus from Egypt. has granted you and your household” and we thank Him on Seder night for all
The editor of the Haggadah, though, chose (Devarim 26:11). In this section, there is of His help.
four verses in Parashat Ki Tavo in Devarim, one major operative verb that is repeated
which tell the story of the Exodus from time and time again – nun, tav, nun – to
Egypt in a much shorter form. Had we give. “Gives to you” appears twice, as
wanted to use the verses from Shemot, well as phrases like “to give to you,” and
it would have made the Haggadah much “who gave you the Land,” “G-d gave me,”
longer and we might have been obliged “Hashem your G-d gave you.” By being
to skip certain verses. When we use the personally grateful and able to identify
verses that were chosen, dealing with bik- with G-d’s abundant generosity, a person
kurim, the first fruits, we can cover the learns to thank G-d for all that He has
complete story with a relatively short pas- done for the nation of Israel, for its deliv-
sage. One can fulfill the exposition, in the erance, and for its redemption. Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon
words of Mishnah, that “He expounds… We can offer yet another reason why is Head of Mizrachi’s Educational
until he completes the whole section.” Advisory Board and Rabbinic Council.
the Haggadah uses the verses in Devarim
Another reason for choosing these verses instead of those in Shemot. While it is true He serves as the Chief Rabbi of Gush
Etzion, Rosh Yeshivah of the Jerusalem
is that the verses in Devarim are part of that the text regarding the first fruits College of Technology and is the Founder
the commandment of bringing in one’s is much shorter than those in Shemot, and Chairman of Sulamot and La'Ofek.
first fruits, whereby each person is the former text does not look only at the
required to bring his first fruits and to Exodus from Egypt by itself like the latter Join me at the
tell others about the Exodus from Egypt. one does. The recitation upon bringing World Orthodox Israel Congress Est. 1902
This is a description of the past and a one’s first fruits is also a look backwards 120 YEARS OF RELIGIOUS ZIONISM
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