Page 47 - HaMizrachi Pesach 5783 USA
P. 47

My Grandfather’s

                        Exodus from Egypt

 A Passover Tradition     © 2022 Lactalis Heritage Brands  Nachshon Meir Spiegelman

 Since 1882  f you would ask my Saba “What was
            your Yetziat Mitzrayim (Exodus)?” (a
            question worth asking any person,
        Iespecially a grandparent), you’ll
        receive the following answer – his visit
        to Israel almost seventy years ago!
        “During this journey, which I will never
        forget, I found a country and I found a
        wife,” says Saba –  the two things that
        redeem a person from loneliness and
        wandering. Although it’s still unclear to
        me who made the first move during their
        two-week sail from New York to Israel,
        meeting your spouse on a ship to Israel
        is pretty romantic!
                                            Nachshonʼs grandparents on their way to Eilat in 1954.
        “Already then, at our young age, Savta and
        I decided: we would return to this place,   stone. But when he came that first time
        for this is where we belong. We never   to this holy and sacred place, he touched
        asked ourselves if we should immigrate   the wall and began to weep. His heart
        to Israel, but only when. Although it took   opened when he touched those stones,
        us another forty years until we actually   stones he never imagined he would feel
        arrived – forty years of anticipation and   with his own hands. Unprepared for the
        preparation – in the end, we came home.”  experience, he didn’t know how to react
        During my grandparents’ incredible visit,   or what he should do. He thought for a
        they met David Ben-Gurion and Shai   moment, took out a book of Tehillim, and
        Agnon, volunteered at an immigrant and   began to read them with a passion and
        refugee absorption camp outside of Jeru-  focus he had never before experienced.
        salem and traveled all over the country.   Saba is our family’s storyteller, and par-
        But there was one place they did not get   ticularly for us, his grandchildren, who   Nachshonʼs grandparentsʼ 60th wedding anniversary
        to visit, a place Saba never thought he   were born in he Land. We, the generation   in 2016.
        would reach in his lifetime – the Kotel.   born into a world of miracles that are too
        He remembers standing at the Tower of   easy to take for granted, who have only
        David when the guide turned the group’s   known a rebuilt and united Jerusalem,
        attention to the Jordanian snipers who   must learn the story of the journey, from
        were standing on the other side. From a   the generation that left Egypt.
        distance, he could see part of that holy
        place; but he could not reach it, like Moshe   “And it shall be, when you come to the
        on Har Nevo.                        Land which Hashem your G-d has given
                                            you for an inheritance… And you shall
        Incredibly, the Six Day War broke out,   speak and say before Hashem your G-d: ‘A
        miracles happened and Jerusalem was                                           Nachshon Meir Spiegelman
 KOSHER FOR   united, now and forever. Within a few   wandering Aramean was my father, and   is a high school educator, certified
 PASSOVER                                   he went down into Egypt, and sojourned
        months, my Saba was on his way – this   there… And Hashem brought us forth out   tour guide and the author of “Storky’s
        time by plane – to the Land of Israel.                                    Journey Home”, a children’s book about
                                            of Egypt with a mighty hand, and with an   the many birds who migrate over Israel,
        Today, my Saba does not overly sanctify   outstretched arm… And He has brought us   a parable for the symbiotic and con-
        or obsess over the Kotel, for he considers   into this place, and has given us this Land,   stant relationship between the Jewish
        the walls of the heart (ב ֵּ ל ַה ת ֹורי ִק) to be   a Land flowing with milk and honey’”   people and the Land of Israel. The
        the ikkar, the main thing, not the walls of   (Devarim 26:1, 5, 8–9).       book can be purchased on Amazon.

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