Page 46 - HaMizrachi #14 2019 Chayei Sarah USA
P. 46


                                                                                           David Curwin

                       WHERE DOES THAT

                      NAME COME FROM?

         n Parashat Chayei Sarah, Avraham   cognates in many Semitic languages,    machoz,  זֹוח ָ מ – originally “harbor,”
         buries his wife Sarah in Hebron.   including  Aramaic,   Arabic   and     now “region” and   ma’achaz –  ז ָ ח ֲ א ַ מ
     ILet’s  take  a  look  at  some  of  the   Phoenician. When Phoenician sailors   – “stronghold.” But how is this root
      words and names from that story.      settled in North Africa, they made a   connected to achuz, זּוח ֲ א  – “percent”?
                                            new city, and called it just that, “Qart-
      According to Prof. Nahum Sarna,                                              The  answer  is  found  in  the  law  of
      the  origin  of  the  name  Hebron  is  in   Hadasht,” parallel to the Hebrew kirya   spoils of war, at the end of the book
      dispute. One suggestion is that it is   hadasha,  ה ָ ׁש ָ ד ֲ ח  הָי ְ ר ִ ק – “new city.” In   of Bamidbar. We find a description
      related to the Arabic word  haber –   Latin, that name became Carthago –     of how the spoils of war should be
      granary. Another says it derives from   or Carthage in English.              distributed, with the soldiers and
      the root רבח  – “to unite.” According to   As to the etymology of kirya, Ernest   civilians  each  taking  one  half,  and
      this theory, it signifies “a confederacy   Klein says it derives from the base ה ָ ר ָ ק   then 1/500th of the soldiers’ take goes
      of four separate settlements; hence its   – “to encounter, meet, happen,” and   to the High Priest, and 1/50th of the
      other name, Kiryat Arba, ‘city of four’”.    so the original meaning was “meeting   civilian share goes to the Levites. That
      If so, it would be related to the word   place.”                             levy (pun intended) is described as:
      chaver,  ר ֵ ב ָ ח – “friend,” someone you                                   םי ִ ׁ ּ ש ִ מ ֲ ח ַ ה ן ִ מ ז ֻ ח ָ א ד ָ ח ֶ א ח ַּ ק ִּ ת ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי יֵנ ְּ ב ת ִ צ ֲ ח ַּ מ ִ מּו
      are associated with, connected to.    Arba,  ע ַּ ב ְ ר ַ א – “four” has the root  עבר   ל ָּ כ ִ מ ןאֹ ּ צ ַ ה ן ִ מּו םי ִ רֹמ ֲ ח ַ ה ן ִ מ ר ָ ק ָּ ב ַ ה ן ִ מ ם ָ ד ָ א ָ ה ן ִ מ
                                            which gives us such words as  reva,
      One possible problem with this second   ע ַ ב ֶ ר – “quarter” and  meruba  ע ָּ ב ֻ ר ְ מ   ה ָ מ ֵ ה ְּ ב ַ ה, “And from the half-share of
      theory is that Joshua 14:15 says that   – “square.”  It can also mean “to lie   the other Israelites you shall take one
      Hebron was formerly Kiryat Arba,      down” and as such is cognate with the   seized (achuz) from every fifty human
      and  that  Arba  “was  the  great  man   root ravatz ץ ַ ב ָ ר. (The letters tzadi and   beings  as  well  as  cattle,  donkeys  and
      among the Anakites.” So according     ayin can switch in Hebrew.) Since this   sheep – all the animals…” (Bamidbar
      to this verse,  Arba didn’t refer to the   type of lying down was usually done   31:30)
      number  four,  but  rather  to  the  name   by animals, the connection to  arba   In  modern  Hebrew,  the  word  achuz
      of  a  resident  of  the  town.  But  the   is likely the idea of “sprawling on all   was reinvented by the linguist Rabbi
      Midrash itself didn’t find the verse   fours.” The root  ravatz in a different   Ze’ev  Yavetz  (1847-1924)  as  meaning
      from Joshua limiting. Bereishit Rabba   form, however, can apply to humans.   “rate,  proportion,”  and  to  indicate
      says, “Why do we call it Kiryat Arba?   Hirbitz  ץי ִּ ב ְ ר ִ ה means “to hit, spank,”   “percentage,” one would say  achuz
      Because four righteous men lived in it:   with the original sense being “to cause   l’mea – “a portion of 100.” As time
      Aner, Eshkol, Mamre and Avraham.”     someone to lie down.”                  went on, the ending of that phrase
      So if the Arba does refer to four, then                                      dropped off, and  achuz came to just
      Sarna’s connection of Hebron to       In Bereishit 23:4, Avraham spoke to    mean percent, as found in the phrase
      “united, confederacy” can remain a    the  residents  of  Hebron,  and  asked   mea achuz, זּוח ָ א ה ָ א ֵ מ. – “one hundred
      valid possibility.                    for a “burial site.” The Hebrew phrase
                                            is achuzat kever, ר ֶ ב ֶ ק תַּז ֻ ח ֲ א. An achuza   percent.”
      What about the name Kiryat Arba?      is a “possession, property, estate.” It   David Curwin is a writer living in Efrat,
      We find the word kirya, הָי ְ ר ִ ק  – “town,   comes from the root  זחא – “to seize,   and the author of the Balashon blog
      city” throughout the Bible. It has    grasp,” which also gives us the words •

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