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Israel and US

                                                                          Rabbi David A. Israel                                                           ISRAEL:

                   ONE PEOPLE                                                                                                     A GREATER MIRACLE

                             in our Land                                                                                            THAN THE EXODUS?

          t  is  said  that  when  David  Ben-  ם ָ ע ְ ל י ִ ל ם ֶ כ ְ ת ֶ א י ִּ ת ְ ח ַ ק ָ ל ְ ו, “and He took us as   This was not true when Herzl began
          Gurion  visited  the  United  States   a people.” We became a people when we   his work. Herzl seemed to need to
      I just six years after the declaration   left Egypt together on our way to receive   emphatically insist that the Jews
      of Israel’s independence, John Foster   the Torah and ultimately to receive the   are  a  people,  as  if  to  prove  it  is  so:
      Dulles, then Secretary of State, asked   Land. The latter is promised to us in   “[The Jewish question] is a national
      him, “Tell me Mr. Prime Minister, exactly   the fifth phrase of redemption:  י ִ תא ֵ ב ֵ ה ְ ו   question… We are a people – one
      who do you and your state represent?   ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָ ה ל ֶ א ם ֶ כ ְ ת ֶ א, “and I will bring you to   people” (Der Judenstadt). Today, with
      Are Jews from Poland, Yemen, Romania,   the Land.” The phrase used since the   the independent State of Israel and
      Russia,  Brazil  all one thing?  What  do   founding of Mizrachi in 1902 captures   the ingathering of the exiles, with Jews
      you have in common?” Ben-Gurion       this unbreakable three-way bond very
      responded, “Mr. Secretary, only 200   well:  ת ַ ר ֹו ּ ת י ִּ פ ל ַ ע ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי  ם ַ ע ְ ל  ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי  ץ ֶ ר ֶ א   from Yemen, Iran, Ethiopia, Russia and
      years ago a ship called the Mayflower   ל ֵ א ָ ר ְ ׂשִי, “the People of Israel living in the   the United States speaking together in
      set sail from England. Go out and ask   Land of Israel in accordance with the   our  ancient  biblical  language, voting
      10 American children, who was the                                           under one flag, serving  in one army –
      captain of the ship? How long was the   Torah of Israel.”                   would anyone but the State of Israel’s
      journey? What did they eat during the   Today, with the establishment of the   worst enemies deny our shared history,
      trip? I doubt any of them will be able to   State of Israel, it is overwhelmingly just   destiny and mutual responsibility… our
      answer. Yet if you ask a Jewish child from   our enemies – specifically the enemies of   peoplehood?
      any of the places you mentioned, who   the State of Israel – who would question
      led the Jews out of Egypt? How long was   Jewish Peoplehood. No peoplehood =   We are indeed one people. On Pesach we
      the trip? What did they eat during the   no right to a state. Though popular use   praise G-d for taking us as His people.
      journey? Each will answer the same.”                                        On Yom HaAtzmaut, we thank G-d for
                                            of the word “peoplehood” only began   enabling us to live to see His people
      For those of us deeply committed      in the 1950s, and its meaning is still   brought back to the Land of Israel once
      to  Religious  Zionism,  it  seems    vigorously  argued  by academicians,  I   again.
      inconceivable to think of Jews as     would posit that given an opportunity
      anything but an  ם ַ ע, a people. Having   to reflect, the vast majority of Jews
      just celebrated Pesach, we are reminded   would agree with much of the common
      that  we commemorate  our  becoming   definition  of  Jewish  peoplehood:   Rabbi David A. Israel is the Executive
      a people, a people with a unique      shared kinship, mutual responsibility, a   Vice-President  of  Religious  Zionists  of
      relationship with G-d, in the Four Cups:   common destiny, and a shared mission.    America–Mizrachi

      HAMIZRACHI PATRONS                                                        CHICAGO
                                                                                3740 W. Dempster
      • Martin and Reva Oliner
                                                                                Skokie, IL 60076
      • Friends of Mr. Jack Nagel z’’l
                                                                                847-674-9733          LOS ANGELES
      • Lynn and Joel Mael & Family                                            209-286-7141
      • Mr. and Mrs. David Rubin   305 Seventh Avenue   Presidium       
                                   Room 1200,          Dr. Ernest Agatstein     President
      • Rosalyn and Stephen M. Flatow  New York, NY 10001  Rabbi Leonard Matanky  Dr. Oren Lakser     President
      • Aileen and Pace Cooper     212-465-9234        Martin Oliner            Executive Director    Dr. Yakov Agatstein
                               Executive Vice-President  Rabbi Jerold
                                  Rabbi David A. Israel    Isenberg
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