Page 21 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 21

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

      When that happens, he says, ‘You will   morality and collective responsibility,   The values for which the prophets
      cry out for relief from the king you have   the idea that ‘all Jews are responsible for   fought could not be more relevant to
      chosen, and G-d will not answer you.’   one another.’ Only one other nation has   the politics of today. Israel, ancient
      Is the Bible telling us that monarchy is   ever had a similar dual founding, namely   and modern, represents the search for
      good or bad? Maimonides said ‘good;’   the United States, whose covenant is set   freedom, justice and compassion against
      Abarbanel, who worked with monarchs   out in the Declaration of Independence   the perennial temptations of tyranny,
      in Spain, said ‘bad.’                 (1776), and whose contract was         resentment, cruelty and death. The dark
                                            formulated in the Constitution (1787).   forces have not disappeared. When it
      It was the 19th century Talmudist,    This is no coincidence: the Founding   comes to the defense of freedom and the
      Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Chajes, who solved   Fathers of America were deeply         sanctity of life, Israel is still on the front
      the problem. What G-d and Samuel      influenced by the Hebrew Bible.        line.
      were proposing was a social contract,
      on the lines later expounded by the   Israel’s dual structure enabled it to   Israel’s enemies have come to the
      founders  of modern  political  thought:   do  what no  other  nation  in  history   following judgment, based on an
      Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. A group   has ever done: survive as a nation for   insight  of  the  great  14th  century  Arab
      of self-interested individuals will find   2,000 years without a state. After the   intellectual, Ibn Khaldun: affluent, city-
      it worthwhile to appoint a leader who   Roman conquest, Israel was no longer   based civilizations eventually become
      will defend them from lawlessness     a kingdom. Its social contract was     decadent and effete. They become
      within and enemies outside. To do so   inoperative. But it still had the covenant.   hedonist and individualist. They lose the
      they will have to sacrifice some of their   Therefore it still remained a nation even   will for the struggle and the sacrifices it
      liberty and wealth, but the alternative is   in exile. In Judaism, covenant is stronger   entails. Eventually they fall to the desert
      anarchy  and  foreign  conquest.  Samuel’s   than contract.                  dwellers, who have no need for luxury
      appointment of Saul is the first recorded                                    and no fear of death.
      instance of a social contract.        That is what makes ancient Jewish
                                            history  so  relevant  today.  Israel  is  a   Israel’s  enemies  underestimate  its
      What makes the history of Israel      highly successful state. But there are fault   strength. It remains a nation of
      unique is that this was its second    lines within society, between religious   indomitable courage, whose moral
      political  founding,  not  its  first.  That   and secular, Ashkenazim and Sephardim,   energy and prophetic ideals remain a
      had happened centuries earlier at     and many others. At times, fissures    source of inspiration to the world, whose
      Mount Sinai, when the people made a   become open wounds. For anyone who     story of remarkable achievement speaks
      covenant with G-d. They were no longer   remembers what happened in the wake   not  just to  Jews,  but  to  all  who  believe
      a group of escaping ex-slaves. At Sinai   of national divisions in the First and   in the power of the human spirit as it
      they became a body politic under the   Second Temple periods, warning signals   reaches out to G-d, as an everlasting
      sovereignty of G-d with the Torah as   should be sounding loud and clear.    symbol of the victory of life over death,
      their written constitution. In the days                                      hope of despair. Inspired by Jewish
      of Samuel they became a kingdom, but   Prophets speak from within the society   values and ideals, Israel made a barren
      it was in the days of Moses that they   they challenge. They are not armchair   land bloom, an ancient language speak,
      became a nation.                      critics, speaking from afar. Israel is a   and the West’s oldest faith young again.
                                            nation of heroes capable of meeting    The time has come for a renewal of
      Tanach makes a clear distinction      any challenge. But heroes need a diet   Israel’s covenant with history and hope.
      between social contract and social    of ideals not supplied by the market
      covenant. Social contract creates a   economy or liberal democracy alone.
      state; social covenant creates a society.   That is why politics and economics are
      Social contract is based on self-interest;   not enough to sustain a society. There   Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is Emeritus
      social covenant is about shared identity.   must be a richly textured sense of the   Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew
      Social contract belongs to the world   common good. That needs not social    Congregations of the Commonwealth
      of politics; social covenant is about   contract but social covenant.        @RabbiSacks

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