Page 18 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 18
Mizrachi Representatives in the National Institutions
Avraham Duvdevani
Herzl's Vision
T his year, Yom HaAtzmaut falls British Mandate over Eretz Yisrael and, (emissaries), with approximately half in
the US.
by virtue of our natural and historic right
Parashat Emor. Perhaps this confirms and on the strength of the resolution of As part of improving Zionist education
the United Nations General Assembly,
and reinforces the Religious Zionist hereby declare the establishment of a and raising Zionist consciousness, we
assertion that the State of Israel is the Jewish state in Eretz Yisrael, to be known are running various projects around
beginning of the flourishing of our as the State of Israel.” the world such as a Bar / Bat Mitzvah
redemption. program for children who do not study
Even after the State was established, it daily in a Jewish educational framework
On the opening verse of Parashat became clear that there was still a need and are therefore not so familiar with
Kedoshim, Rashi writes: “This for the Zionist Organization. There are Torah and mitzvot.
teaches us that this portion was said very important issues the State is unable
at a gathering of the entire assembly.” to deal with. So to address that need – Another project is the “Bible Quiz for
It is also our way to act within the and perhaps even more so than in the Adults,” which takes place in Israel every
community, to cooperate with Klal past – the World Zionist Organization two years. Tanach study and love of
Yisrael in the course of the redemption continues to “protect the flame” and Tanach help engender a love of the Land
and rebirth of Israel. To bring holiness realize the Zionist vision. and forge a deep connection between
and faith into all organizations and For example, settlements in the Negev, the Jewish people and its holy Land.
actions. From this perspective, Rabbi the Golan Heights and the Galilee, This year we will mark the 70th
Reines, one of the founders of Mizrachi, the Jordan Valley, Judea and Samaria anniversary of bringing Theodor
worked with Binyamin Zev Herzl in the must be strengthened. The Settlement Herzl’s remains to Israel. This was the
establishment of the Zionist Movement. Division invests considerable effort, Israeli government’s first decision.
At the end of the first Zionist Congress dedication and professionalism in this To commemorate this occasion, the
held in Basel in 1897, Herzl wrote: task, which has been particularly evident World Zionist Organization created
“In Basel I founded the Jewish State... in the communities surrounding the Mount Herzl, the national pantheon of
maybe 50 years from now, everyone will Gaza Strip in recent years. Settlements the State of Israel. Herzl, representing
recognize it.” As we know, the dream flourish in the region despite the the vision, is buried at the peak of
indeed came true 50 years later. Herzl difficult security situation. the mountain. Yad Vashem, which
sought international recognition for the Encouraging aliyah is also a major memorializes the Holocaust, is on the
establishment of the national home for priority. We work together with the edge of the mountain. On the other
the Jews of the world. His followers, Ministry of Immigrant Absorption side of the mountain lies the central
the leaders of the Zionist Movement, and run approximately 250 Ulpans in Military Cemetery, which reminds us of
continued to act to realize the vision in several countries, teaching olim Hebrew the heavy price we have to pay in order
every way. in advance of their aliyah. We also train to realize the vision. And the Herzl
teachers to teach in Hebrew, and have Museum is on the southern side of the
On May 5th, 1948, David Ben- prepared teaching accessories for them. mountain, which both encapsulates
Gurion, then Chairman of the Zionist and perpetuates Herzl’s original vision:
Organization, declared: “Accordingly In addition, Jewish-Zionist education is “Zionism is an infinite ideal.”
we, members of the People’s Council, being enhanced in the Diaspora, through
representatives of the Jewish a department for education that works Avraham Duvdevani is Chairman of the
Community of Eretz Yisrael and of the to strengthen the Hebrew language World Zionist Organization and one
Zionist Movement, are here assembled and Jewish-Zionist education. 220 of World Mizrachi's representatives in
on the day of the termination of the teachers are currently serving as shlichim Israel's National Institutions