Page 14 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 14


                                                                  Rabbi Dr.  Abraham Twerski


                          THAT  ENDURES                                                                                                        SWITCHING MODES
                                                                                                                                                 IN ADOLESCENCE

              istorically, the family has been   he loved her” (Genesis 24:67). Look   Of course there is passion in a marriage,
              considered the  basic unit  of   carefully at the sequence of the words.   but Shaw was right. A marriage based
      H society. Certainly in Judaism,      Yitzchak’s love for Rivka developed after   on passion is on fragile foundations.
      the strength of the  mishpacha (family)   the marriage rather than before it.  The mutual love and respect for one
      is said to be a major factor in Jewish                                       another that develops after the marriage
      survival. In the general population, the   Avraham’s servant, Eliezer, who was sent   is the cement that can bond the couple
      family  has suffered  serious casualties.   to find a wife for Yitzchak, watched for   throughout their entire lives.
      One out of three children in the US lives   a young woman who championed chesed
      in a single parent home. The statistics in   (acts of kindness). “Let it be the maiden   It is of course essential that each partner
      the Jewish population are not as grim,   to whom I shall say, ‘Please tip over your   should behave in a manner conducive
      but whereas divorce used to be a rarity, it   jug so I may drink,’ and who replies,   to the development of love and respect.
      is now commonplace, and the fragility of   ‘Drink, and I will even water your   The formula for this is simple, albeit
      the family unit certainly has an effect on   camels,’ You will have designated her for   not easy. It is the Rambam’s version
      the children.                         Yitzchak.” The basis for the relationship   of the Talmud,  “to respect her even
                                            was a commonality of values, not  “the   more than he respects himself, and to
      Many relationships begin with two     most violent, most insane, most illusive,   love her as much as he loves himself.”
      people falling in love. While this seems                                     He continues that the wife’s attitude
      to be perfectly logical, listen to what   and most transient of passions.” This was   toward the husband should be similar,
      George Bernard Shaw said:  “When      a relationship in which true love could   to honor him and fulfill his wishes.
      two  people  are under  the  influence of   develop.
      the most violent, most insane, most   The Talmud says that the relationship   Having first established that the husband
      illusive, and most transient of passions,   of a husband to his wife should be  “to   must  respect  his  wife,  it  is  obvious  that
      they are required to swear that they will   love her as much as he loves himself,   his wishes will not encroach on his
      remain in that excited, abnormal, and   and to respect her even more than he   consideration of and respect for her.
      exhausting condition continuously until   respects himself” (Yevamot 62b). It is of   The Jewish family is now at greater risk
      death do them part.” Even if they do not   interest that the Rambam, in citing the   than ever before. These Torah teachings
      take a formal oath to that effect, they   Talmud, reverses the order and places   about marriage can be our salvation.
      probably believe that their passion will   respect  before  love.  Why?  Because  it  is
      be eternal.
                                            unrealistic to expect that one can have
      Of course, love is essential to a marriage,   so intense a love from day one. It takes   Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski is a
      but see what the Torah says about     time for true love to develop. However,   psychiatrist and founder of the Gateway
      Yitzchak’s marriage to Rivka,  “He    respect  is  something  that  can begin  on   Rehabilitation Center in Pittsburgh
      married Rivka, she became his wife, and   day one.                 

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