Page 15 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 15


                                                                              Rabbi Elisha Aviner

                       SWITCHING MODES

                        IN ADOLESCENCE

      Does adolescence require a change in   who make this effort to the best of their   important idea, so he ordered them to
      our attitudes to our children?        abilities, and children who have such   gather stones. If he had said,  ‘My sons,
                                            parents are happy.”                    gather stones,’ they would not have
             abbi Elimelech Bar-Shaul, in his                                      internalized the message, but rather they
             book  “Reiyach Mayim,” offers   This  is  what  the  Midrash means:  when   would have told themselves that they
      R us a true gem of educational        the sons of Ya’akov “came to Shechem” –   were acting on their father’s command.
      advice:  “And Ya’akov sacrificed a    that is, they physically or mentally grew   So Ya’akov called them  “brothers” so
      sacrifice on the mountain, and called   – Ya’akov likened them to himself. He   that they would understand that even
      to  his  brothers  to  eat  bread”  (Genesis   looked at their full height (spiritual or   without a father’s decree, it would be
      31:54). The Midrash interprets:  “And   physical) and recognized their maturity,   appropriate for them to strive for peace
      to his brothers... and weren’t they his   treating them as “brothers,” as adults.   and settle with those who make them
      sons? But when they reached Shechem,                                         feel secure.
      Ya'akov imagined them and called them   And how old were the sons of Ya’akov at
      brothers.” Rabbi Bar-Shaul explains   the  time?  Some  were  just  13!  (Shimon,   Recognizing the maturity of our children
      that parents – and especially the most   for example).                       does not diminish our educational
      devoted parents – expect respect from   Rabbi  Bar-Shaul  emphasizes  that   responsibility. Rather, it demands a
      their children. Indeed, this is the mitzvah   recognizing the child’s maturity does not   different educational approach that
      of the Torah:  “Honor your father and   mean the end of their education. On the   does not rely on the  “decree of the
      your mother,”  “Man should fear his   contrary. The task should continue, but   father” (discipline and obedience), but
      mother and father.”                   there has to be a significant shift in both   on skills of persuasion, dialogue and
                                            content and style. This turning point   the personification of values. Small
      That said, parents also have a duty to                                       children want to obey, adults want to
      respect their children, and particularly   is a condition for educational success.   identify. A grown-up child should not
      once they are older. This is part of the   Those who are unaware of the changes   be left to his or her own devices nor
                                            that have occurred in their adult children
      educational  mitzvah incumbent upon   – or simply ignore them – and continue   neglected, but should be treated in a
      the parents. Parents should remember   to treat them as grade schoolers by   manner appropriate to an adult. In the
      that  grown-up   children  demand     perpetuating the educational path      past, a laconic parental imperative (even
      recognition as adults, and do not want   they adopted in earlier years, will not   without accompanying explanations
      to continue to be seen as children. If   succeed. Their children are likely to   and rationalizations) caused the child
      they are not recognized as adults, or   rebel and any educational efforts are   to act and obey, but now it is no longer
      even ignored, they tend to prove their   likely to backfire. Hence the first stage   enough. Communication must change.
      maturity by rebellion through speech or   is for parents to recognize adolescent   While the parent-child relationship must
      action, and all that entails. Parents must   maturity. The second stage is to interact   obviously be upheld and respected, there
      immediately recognize and adapt to    with them as adults.                   is also a need for a healthy brotherly or
      their children’s new state of physical and                                   sisterly-like relationship to develop.
      spiritual maturity, and demonstrate this   The Netziv writes that Ya’akov called his
      recognition in practice. Only then will   sons “brothers” for educational reasons.
      parents be able to be good educators and   He asked them to gather stones to create
      listen to their grown-up children, who   a monument symbolizing peace between   Rabbi Elisha Aviner teaches in yeshivot
      will in turn have the trust and respect   him and Lavan in order to educate   hesder and founded an organization to
      to listen to such parents. As Rabbi Bar-  them about peace among humanity.   help parents with adolescent education
      Shaul says,  “Blessed are the parents   He wanted them to learn about this

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