Page 46 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 46

David M. Weinberg
              THE JEWISH STATE

     O       n Yom HaAtzmaut last year,     despite that organization’s terrorist   Jerusalem. But the PA rejected these

                                            record. Then, it added that peace could
                                                                                   offers, arguing that only if Israel gave
             laureate and peace activist, A.B.
      Yehoshua, published a 7,000-word essay   only ensue if Israel allowed the creation   them 100% of their demands, including
                                                                                   the so-called “right of return,” might
                                            of the first self-governing authority
      calling for the demise of the Jewish   in Palestinian history. Then Labor    they be willing to continue talks.
      State. The details of Yehoshua’s dark and   Party governments insisted that the
      unrealistic plan for the replacement of   Palestinian Authority could sustain   In  2012, Mahmoud  Abbas  sought
      Israel by a bi-national Israeli-Palestinian   itself  only  if  Yasser  Arafat  had  a  police   to claim the end result without
      federation are not important. What    force with tens of thousands of rifles and   having to engage in any process, and
      is scary are his motivations. What    other military equipment. It was further   get his statehood “declared” by the
      motivates A.B. Yehoshua is not Jewish   explained that only if Israel turned a   international  community  without
      nationalism or identity, but what he calls   blind eye to PA human rights abuses and   having to compromise with Israel. The
      “humanity.”                           virulent anti-Semitic propaganda could   UN “recognized” the virtual PA state,
                                            the peace process continue.            against Israel’s objections. And how did
      Yehoshua begins by admitting that the                                        A.B. Yehoshua and friends respond?
      two-state solution is no longer viable.   Next, it was imperative to give Arafat   They called upon Israel to embrace this
      “It is time to say goodbye” to this dream,   more land in Judea and Samaria; only   recognition and withdraw unilaterally
      read the headline of his article. Which   then could  he  solidify  his  regime.  So   from the territories.
      leaves him and his camp in self-declared   Israel signed the Oslo II accord, and
      “weariness and fatalism.”             then the Wye accord, which put 98%     They  admitted  that peace  wouldn’t
                                            of the Palestinian population of the   necessarily ensue from Israeli withdrawal,
      Therefore,  Yehoshua  reaches  the    territories under Arafat’s control, along   but divesting of the territories was
      conclusion that defense of a Jewish state   with about 45% of the land and some   necessary nevertheless to ensure Israel’s
      in the historic Land of Israel is no longer                                  Jewish majority. Which led, finally, to A.B.
      possible. There is no choice but to “stop   important mountain aquifer resources.  Yehoshua’s latest ideological denouement.
      the apartheid process in principle,” and   But that wasn’t enough. Only if   The movement he represents can no
      to “unilaterally” decamp into some form   Palestinian prisoners were released could   longer support independent Jewish
      of “de facto bi-national partnership.”  the peace process prevail, said many   statehood if the Palestinians can't obtain
                                            “peace activists” (including, I remember,   full national rights too.
      “It is not (Israel’s) Jewish and Zionist
      identity that I fear for,” wrote Yehoshua,   A.B. Yehoshua). So Israel began freeing   In the end, he  says, there  is something
                                            Palestinian security offenders “without
      “but  something   more   important:                                          more important than Jewish statehood:
      our humanity and the humanity of      blood on their hands,” eventually freeing   “our humanity and the humanity of the
      the Palestinians in our midst.” This   many terrorists whose hands were      Palestinians in our midst.” Which leads
      overriding concern for “humanity”     significantly smeared with Jewish blood.   to the call for a one-state confederated
      requires abandonment of the dream     Israelis then suffered more than two   “solution,” meaning the dissolution of
      of independent Jewish sovereignty in   years of terrorist violence and suicide   Israel.
      Israel; the dream of Jewish generations.  bombings before launching Operation
                                            Defensive Shield and beginning to build   This is the inevitable result of a long
      Of particular relevance is the trajectory   the security fence.              process of loss of Jewish-Zionist identity
      on which Yehoshua arrived at this nadir;                                     that afflicts the hard Left; an identity
      a path of deception and ideological   But the Left's “only if” syndrome still   that has been overwhelmed by fealty to
      bankruptcy that leads from the Oslo   held  sway.  Only if Israel  conceded  a   ephemeral “humanity” and extremist
      Accords to the “two-state solution,” and   full-fledged  state  to  the  Palestinians   liberal principles that apply nowhere else
      then having despaired of this solution, to   was there a chance of peace. So at   and to nobody else.
      dumping the idea of Israel all-together.  Camp David in 2000, Taba in 2001,
                                            and Jerusalem in 2008, Israeli leaders   David M. Weinberg  is  vice president
      In the 1980s, the Left argued that only   presented offers of statehood that would   of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy
      if Israel agreed to talk directly to the   have  given  the Palestinians  virtually   and Security (  His  personal
      PLO could peace become a possibility,   all of the West Bank, Gaza and eastern   site is

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