Page 47 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 47
mr. noam sussman halevi rubin ל"ז
A Pioneer in Rebuilding the Land and the People of Israel
׃ך ָ ל ּור ְ מאֹי ְ ו ךיֶנ ֵ ק ְ ז ך ְ ד ֵּגַי ְ ו ךי ִ ב ָ א ל ַ א ְ ׁש ר ֹוד ָ ו ר ֹו ּ ד ת ֹונ ְ ׁש ּוני ִּ ב ם ָ ל ֹוע ת ֹומְי רֹכ ְ ז
“remember the days of old, consider the years of ages past;
ask your father, he will inform you; your elders, they will tell you.”
Many of today’s Zionists do not know of a world and their identity as Jews. There he established shuls,
without a State of Israel. They may not understand the provided Sifrei Torah, created libraries, kindergartens,
level of passion and devotion that animated those who schools, and vocational classes in the Displaced Persons
left the ashes of Europe behind to build the Land and camps. He helped the passengers of the ship Exodus
State of Israel and bring Jews “from the four corners of who were returned to Germany by the British, receive
the earth” back home. Below is the story of one man’s certificates so that most were able to immigrate to
tireless efforts. His story reminds us of our past in order Palestine before the creation of the State of Israel in
to inspire us and our future. 1948. Noam married Basha (Bella) Rozmaryn in the
Bergen Belsen Displaced Persons camp and together,
Noam Rubin was born in Lithuania in 1919. In 1937,
the young couple returned to Israel.
at the age of 17, he became the head of Bnei Akiva. He
organized lectures, activities, and Bnei Akiva groups for
Between 1953 and 1956, Noam was the representative of
all ages throughout the country where the principles
the Jewish Agency in North Africa. Thanks to his efforts
of Torah V’Avodah were instilled in the youth. He also
with Jewish leaders, and his work creating a strong Bnei
established an urban kibbutz in Kovno to prepare young
Akiva movement, thousands of North African Jews
people to be Chalutzim.
chose to emigrate to Israel. He later devoted six years
to strengthen Bnei Akiva in Latin America and Mexico,
As WWII began, Noam left Lithuania for British
Mandate Palestine where he helped build Kibbutz Tirat and then came to Los Angeles where he helped build
Tzvi and between 1940 and 1943, he learned in the Religious Zionists of Los Angeles, RZLA-Mizrachi, and
great Yeshivot of Lomze in Petach Tikva and Chevron Bnei Akiva.
in Yerushalayim. He then devoted time to the Yaldei
Mr. Noam Rubin left a legacy of dedication to Religious
Teheran, Jewish children who had escaped from Poland
Zionism to his children, Annette, Nachum, Yehoshua,
via Iran and began to arrive in Palestine. He was able
David, to their spouses and to his grandchildren, many
to get many of the children to continue learning in
of whom made Aliya, and is an inspiring example of
religious institutions.
tireless effort on behalf of יפ לע לארשי ץראב לארשי םע
He traveled to Germany in 1945 as soon as WWII לארשי תרות, “the Jewish People living in the Land of
ended, to help Holocaust survivors rebuild their lives Israel in accordance with Torah,” for all of us.
ךורב ורכז יהי