Page 8 - HaMizrachi #9 Yom HaAtzmaut 5779
P. 8

Rabbi Hershel Schachter

        Has Atchalta D’Geula Begun?

                hat are the essential steps   correspond to the two  churbanot     If, G-d forbid, the Arabs were to succeed
                in the redemptive process   (destructions);  the  tochecha   in    in destroying the Medina, or if the Jews
     W that will culminate in  the          Bechukotai represents the  churban that   were to return the Land and dissolve
      building  of  the  Beit HaMikdash?  The   led to  galut Bavel, while the  tochecha   the government, or if the government
      Gemara in Sanhedrin (20b) cites the   in  Ki Tavo  represents  the  churban  that   would become so secular so as not to be
      following  Beraita: [The nation of]   caused our present galut.              considered a  malchut Yisrael (kingdom
      Israel was commanded to perform                                              of  Israel)  any  longer,  that  would  not  be
      three  mitzvot upon their entrance    The  navi has assured us:  ד ֹוע  ּו ׁש ְּ ת ְנִי  אלֹ ְ ו   viewed as the quelling of the “Jewish
      into the Land: to appoint a king upon   ם ֶ ה ָ ל י ִּ ת ַ ת ָנ ר ֶ ׁש ֲ א ם ָ ת ָ מ ְ ד ַ א ל ַ ע ֵ מ, “and they will   revolt of 1948.” Such a loss of Jewish
      themselves,  and  to  eradicate  the   never again be uprooted from their land   sovereignty over Eretz Yisrael would be
      offspring of Amalek, and to build the   that I have given them” (Amos 9:15).   considered a churban haMedina, and this
      Beit HaMikdash for themselves.        This does not only mean that there will   type of churban is exactly what the navi
                                            never be a third churban Beit HaMikdash.   guaranteed would never occur again.
      Accordingly, the sequence of the three   The second, and final,  tochecha only
      mitzvot must be understood as follows.   speaks  of  a  churban haMedina,  and   The above-mentioned assurance of
      First, a Jewish government must be    never even mentions a  churban Beit    the  navi, that there will not be a third
      established in Eretz Yisrael, which then   HaMikdash. Rather, the promise of the   churban, would apply to the current
      organizes a Jewish army. Then, that   navi is that there will never be a third   Medinat  Yisrael once it is labeled to
      army must wage war against Amalek and   churban haMedina, G-d forbid.        be “bevinyana,” in a “built” state. This
      eradicate it.                                                                classification has already been defined in
                                            Certainly, in the period immediately   Halachah with regard to the obligation
      After completion of the first two     following  hakamat haMedina in 1948,   to tear  keri’ah upon witnessing cities
      introductory steps in the geula process,   it was unclear whether that event was   of Yehudah in a state of churban. The
      labeled  atchalta d’geula, there is a   an  atchalta d’geula. If the establishment   Magen Avraham (Orach Chaim 561:1)
      mitzvah to build a  Beit HaMikdash and   of the Medina would have been undone   rules that one tears keri’ah even if the
      offer  korbanot,  which is  synonymous   at that early stage, it  would have been   city is inhabited by Jews, as long as
      with geula itself.   1                viewed historically in the same way    it is ruled by non-Jews. If that is the
                                            as  the  Bar  Kochba revolt.  Bar  Kochba   definition of “churban” of cities of
      The only way  hakamat haMedina
      (establishment of the State) in 1948   minted coins and declared himself king   Yehudah, it follows that “binyan” is
      would not be viewed as  atchalta d’geula   around 60 years after  churban Bayit   defined as being under the jurisdiction
      is if we would entertain the possibility   Sheini, only to have his “government”   of a Jewish government. If Eretz Yisrael
      that the current  Medina will fail. If,   collapse soon after. However, that event   is currently in a state of “binyan” and will
      G-d forbid, the Jewish people are     cannot be viewed as a third  churban   never again experience churban, hakamat
      forced to return the Land to the Arabs   haMedina, because his “attempted    haMedina  can rightfully be  termed
      and the government is disbanded, a    government” is regarded historically   atchalta d’geula.
      different  hakamat haMedina would     merely as “the Bar Kochba rebellion”   (This essay can be seen in expanded form in Rav
      have to take place in the future, and the   against Roman authority, not as a bona   Schachter on the Moadim.)
      establishment of that government would   fide government. The promise of the
      be atchalta d’geula.                  nevi’im did not apply in that situation.
                                            The same cannot be said regarding the   1  B’Ikvei HaTzon, p. 211-214.
      How do we know that this  Medina
      will lead to the building of the  Beit   current Medinat Yisrael. It is not merely
      HaMikdash?                            an “attempt” at the establishment of a   Rabbi Hershel Schachter  is  Rosh
                                            Jewish government. The  Medina today   Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac
      The Ramban writes that the two        is recognized by the international     Elchanan Theological Seminary of
      tochechot (admonitions) in the Torah   community as a legitimate government.   Yeshiva University

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