Page 21 - Horizon2k20-21
P. 21

HORIZON, 2020-21

                        But before anything, the foremost requirement

                      is to take care of your emotions and never give up

                      hope. Remember, there is a strong ray of hope

                      guiding us to find a way out of the present crisis.

                      I also understand that pandemic has drastically

                      hurt chances to see your friends and to get more

                      involved. Just try calling, texting or face timing

                      them, or take some time to zoom with your

                      friends. You never know the impact of what a

                      simple phone call could do for someone, spread

                      that love everyday. Be mindful of what is still

                      within your power to do. Do it, keep moving and

                      be productive.

                        Take time to reflect on who or what is important

                      to you, this is a moment we are called to be our

                      best selves in tune with the vision and mission of

                      our founder Pujya Gurudev by leading a life of

                      patience, empathy and compassion.

                      May the sky stay blue, may the wind be at your

                      back, and you may find something that makes you

                      smile each and every day! Never give up, stay

                      positive, strong, healthy and resilient!

                                                             Smt .GEETHA GANESH

                                                                   Vice Principal

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