Page 23 - Bernardon_Community - Fire, Life Safety, & Emergency Services_SOQ 10.2023
P. 23

            community amenities be considered in station
            design? The answer to both is: absolutely
            not.  Accommodations for multi-use space in
            station design can contribute significantly to
            maintaining a core group of career staff and
            volunteers  in  hunker-down  situations  like  the
            one we are currently facing. These spaces are the
            heart and soul of the company at times when we
            are not plagued by, well, the plague. With the
            stay-at-home requirements that have altered
            our business life, fire and EMS companies should
            consider the transitional use of training rooms,
            banquet  halls,  and  other  under-utilized  social
            spaces to permit its members to be present
            on site with all of the amenities of a home
            office. These co-work spaces would allow some
            members to conduct business with the much-
            desired benefit of being emergency responsive.

            As President of Broomall Fire Station, Jim
            Capuzzi notes there is a concern about not
            having fire and EMS personnel showing up at
            the station, and there is always that lingering
            concern that a temporary withdraw from
            actively participating at the station can become      a company and the health of their surrounding
            a  future  habit.  However,  he  also  pointed  out   community. Safely  maintaining  the presence
            that several high school and college students         of these brave men and women on site by
            who complete their daily studies are arriving         improving accommodations and amenities will
            at the station to be present and social while         improve their response to our communities at
            respecting the social distancing protocols set        times when we are most desperately in need of
            up at the station. Activity in the fitness room       these heroes.
            -- under social distancing protocols --  has also
            increased since all public fitness facilities have
            been shuttered.                                       DREAM.

            Tremendous attention needs to be given to             DESIGN.
            the creation of healthy indoor environments
            stations. This attention is critical to the life of  SUCCEED.
            that improve comfort, encourage participation,
            and reinforce fellowship within Fire and EMS

            BERNARDON | Fire and EMS Station Design: Making Accommodations for First Responders in a Pandemic  Page 3
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