Page 21 - Bernardon_Community - Fire, Life Safety, & Emergency Services_SOQ 10.2023
P. 21


        Fire and EMS Station Design: Making Accommodations for First
        Responders in a Pandemic

          by Paul Andrew Sgroi, AIA, LEED AP | May 2020

            Heroism in the fire and life safety industry is       an invisible carcinogenic blanket. Hot Zone
            not uncommon. In light of the coronavirus             design  focused  our  attention  on  the  need  to
            pandemic, we are reminded of the tremendous           separate contaminated zones from clean zones.
            sacrifices  these  men and  women endure  in          The introduction of transition zones was one
            order to protect and serve. Now, two months           design solution that provided sensible means
            into the outbreak in the U.S., industries are         to separate the apparatus bay entry and exit
            looking to adapt to the new realities this public     points from the “living” areas common to fire
            health crisis has created. As designers, we must      and EMS stations.
            consider the effects these new realities will
            have on the fire station in a post-Covid world.
                                                                   “The separation between
            In 2014, the concept of Hot Zone design                   the operations side and
            for fire stations was presented to the design
            industry with a fiery impact. Firefighters and        the administration side is
            others on the scene were returning to their
            vehicles, stations, and homes cloaked with                               a real positive.”

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