Page 3 - Bernardon Healthcare Statement of Qualifications
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        Solutions for today’s business of caring

           Healthcare professionals are in the business of caring. With the focus in today’s healthcare
           market on not just recovery but lifelong health and wellness, providers are now responsible
           for providing a positive experience for every individual who walks in the door – not just
           patients, but staff and visitors alike.

                                                                  At  Bernardon, decades of experience have
                                                                  made us experts in creating environments
                                                                  that promote productivity and holistic
                                                                  health through a sense of comfort and
                                                                  well-being. From regulatory compliance to
                                                                  providing state-of-the-art infection control

                                                                  and specialized technologies, our healthcare
                                                                  facilities provide the framework for you to
                                                                  provide exceptional care for years to come.

            BERNARDON | STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS                                                            Page 1
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