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Inter School Competitions

          Spell Bee International Competition

       Among 73 students for the Spell Bee International Competition 2019-20,
       71 students had qualified.

       The Toppers were :
                                                                                                                         SHRIYASH KADAM   RUSHAM SHAH       AREETH SHAH
       Shriyash Kadam                      Grade 2,
       Rusham Shah                         Grade 3,
       Areeth Shah                         Grade 4,

       Shivam Gupta                        Grade 4,
       Rehaan Barodawala                   Grade 4
                                                                                                                                 SHIVAM GUPTA    REHAAN BARODAWALA

                                                                                                 AWIM (A WORLD IN MOTION) Regional Olympics

                                                                                            The students of  Goldcrest High, Vashi brought laurels to the

                                                                                            school by capturing prestigious category awards in the
                                                                                            AWIM (A WORLD IN MOTION) Regional Olympics 2019.

                                                                                            The team of  4 students from Grade 6:  Meet Chheda, Pratyush
                                                                                            Chheda, Chitrakshi Gupta, Shubhra Patil emerged as the ‘Overall
                                                                                            Winner’ in the Jet Toy Regional Olympic category thereby

                                                                                            qualifying for the Nationals and Winning the First prize in the
                                                                                            Distance Category.
                                                                                            The Skimmer Regional Olympic  team from Grade 5 consisting of

                                                                                            Mahish Barhate, Ashar Zahir, Anvisha Auti, Vedha Weekey, won an
                                                                                            award in ‘Accuracy’ and ‘Presentation’ category.

   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77