Page 35 - Petsilee M Musgrove-Williams
P. 35

My Sister Petsilee
Some folks have a perception of death, Like he is their WORST enemy; Coming to steal away those dear to them, And to disrupt their close-knit family.
Some oftentimes may even feel cheated, Of not having another opportunity;
To be able to say, “I’m sorry, or I love you!’ Before their loved one slip into eternity.
Instead, we ought to live our lives daily,
That in parting, there will be no regrets;
And embrace death as God’s tool of transformation, And not your adversary or as a threat.
We often say God knows what’s best for us,
And whatsoever He does is well done.;
So if it means moving them away from a life of strife, Won’t that be what’s best for our loved one?
If there’ll be no more pain and suffering, No more stress, no grief nor frustration.; I hope you can see the bigger picture, That this is meant for a better situation.
So, we’ll let fond memories bring us comfort, And let love be our strength to carry on; For what wasn’t done before she was gone, Will only bring us regrets today and beyond!
Sleep on dear Sis and take your rest,
From ALL that this world would have caused you stress! It may sound a little cliché but I’ll say it any way
We love you but God loves you best!
With love filled with fond memories from Ed and family CAMILLE, CAMYA AND CAMOURI

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