Page 6 - Eliza Alvisa Smith-Pratt
P. 6
Mom put in her order right away for her grits, corn beef and avocado. Little did she know Shirnay was coming to relieve Tekora and to surprise her. Tekora went to the airport to get Shirnay and took her straight to the hospital to see Mom. You should have seen Eliza’s face when she saw her daughter appear in that hospital room knowing she would no longer have to talk to her on video call. She said, ‘Nay you, you tricked me. You didn’t tell me nothing. Gal Nicky where you come from? When you come here? How you get here? Ms Daffodil, this my girl Nicky!’ She was so happy to have both of her daughters there with her, but that joy was short lived when Tekora told her on Saturday July 9th that she was leaving on Sunday 10th July to return home.
Shirnay remained in Jamaica with her. On Wednesday the 13th of July, the doctor said she would be transferred to St. Joseph Hospital once the approval was received from NHIP. On Thursday, she was notified that she would not be transferred, but airlifted back home to receive treatment instead. Tekora spoke with the case worker and expressed her concerns, however on Saturday 16th July, Eliza was airlifted to Cheshire Hall Medical Centre, Providenciales. On Tuesday 19th July at about 11am Dr Noblox, called to say Eliza had taken a turn for the worse. She had been moved to ICU, and they were now speaking with NHIP to have her airlifted back to Jamaica, however that did not happen on Tuesday as planned. This gave family and friends the opportunity to visit with her some more. Eliza told her daughter Tekora that she was going home and when asked home where? She replied, ‘I am going where we all must go one day’. Again Tekora ask the question, where is that? Eliza started singing, ‘It Is Well, With My Soul’. When finished she replied, ‘I am going to be with my Lord.’ She and Tekora continued to sing and pray. Eliza was airlifted to Jamaica at about 9.30pm on Wednesday 20th July accompanied by Shirnay this time with Tekora to come a few days later.
On Thursday July 21st Tekora spoke with her mom and the nurses were surprised at the conversation because of the pain she was in. Eliza assured Tekora once more that she was going to be with her Lord and that she loved all of her children. Shirnay spoke with her and she assured Shirnay that she loved her and was thankful for all that Shirnay had done for her. Little did we know that that would have been our last conversation with our loving mother.
On Friday 22nd July at about 9am the hospital called Shirnay to say that Eliza’s condition had deteriorated tremendously and that she should come to the hospital immediately. Shirnay called her driver and headed over to the hospital only to receive the news that Mom had passed away.
But to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord, and Eliza had assured her daughter Tekora that she was going home to a better place. Sleep on Mommy! Take your rest as you are with your heavenly father. Kiss Daddy for us as you reunite today on his 10th year since he took his master hands and bid this old world good-bye!
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• She will forever be missed, longed for and lovingly remembered by her: CHILDREN: Tekorah, Shirnay, Gina, George, Marvin & Nalbert Pratt
GRANDCHILDREN: Tianna Taylor, Shar’Shanay & Sha’Darion Cooper, Genika, Gabrien, Gabriella and Grace Pratt, Nicolas, Coral, Kaylam Pratt, Nalvina Pratt, Labrina Barranco & Dorset Gardiner Jr.