Page 4 - Eliza Alvisa Smith-Pratt
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Eliza embraced her new life and quickly adjusted to her surroundings and new family. She attended the Jericho Baptist church where she would worship along with her husband. In 1970 she gave birth to her first child, and son Marvin Pratt. As a mother she ensured that she did her best. Eliza continued her sewing business while being a stay at home mom. Four years later she and her husband Erlin were so happy when they were able to give birth to their second child and daughter, Tekora Pratt. Eliza and Erlin were so excited about creating a family that ten months later they welcomed their third child and second son, George. Eliza continued to be a stay at home mom and wife while nurturing her children, preparing meals for her family and all who she come in contact with that needed something to eat. Two years later they welcomed their fourth child and second daughter Shirnay, born on their first daughter Tekora’s birthday. Two years later they welcomed their last child and third son, Nalbert. Eliza
continued to stay at home caring for her family.
Eliza would hold family prayer time daily, in the morning at six o’clock and at bedtime, ensuring that all five children and her husband were around the bed. She would often raise one of her favourite songs, ‘Tis so Sweet
to Trust in Jesus’, and would make sure that everyone had a conversation with the Lord, thanking him for his goodness. Eliza was a powerful woman
of God and a virtuous woman in her community.
A few years later when her children were all in school, and the older ones could assist with the younger ones, Eliza decided to go out to work so she could assist her husband financially to give their children the best life they could have. Eliza worked at Third Turtld Inn, The Conch Plant now the Fisheries, and for various private homes, Sibonne and her last place of employment, Ocean
Club Resort.
Eliza then moved to the Pentecostal Baptist Church under the leadership of the late Helbert Delancy and Rev. Donald Stubbs, and Rev. Janet Stubbs. There she experienced being filled with the Holy Ghost and allowing God to use her to lay hands on the sick thus healing them. She continued to serve in the Pentecostal Church and doing outreach work for the Lord while teaching her children to give their lives to the Lord and work for Him as He is the only Way.
In 2001 she moved to the Abundant Life Ministries International under the leadership of Bishop Coleta A. Williams III. Eliza and her husband extended the right hand of fellowship and allowed the Lord to use them. She attended her church regularly and served her God faithfully. She then became a Mother of the church and continued to assist in any way possible.
Eliza’s health started to go downhill. Many times she found herself in the hospital facing medical issues however she overcame every time through God’s help and constant prayer. In 2016 she celebrated her 70th birthday in grand style with family and friends, and every birthday after there was a celebration no matter how small as her daughters realized that her steps were getting slower. Eliza was well loved and cared for. Her daughter, Shirnay Pratt who lived in the home with her made sure that she had no lack or want for anything....
In 2022 Eliza continued to face some health challenges. She was never left alone at any given time, as Shirnay would take her with her or leave her with her other daughter, Tekora.